Anne Frank "live"

Anne Frank is a tragic symbol of the effects of evil on the innocent. When walking in Amsterdam today it is impossible to understand how her fate could ever had occurred. It couldn’t, it shouldn’t… but it did. The worst thing is that it can again (and in variations it still does in many places around the world). I was reminded of Anne Frank when walking around Barcelona and came across Plaça d’Anna Frank:

The graffiti worries me that we are ready to forget the gravity of barbarity. The rest of my Barcelona photo’s are here.

This via Neatorama

The only known video images of Holocaust victim and diarist Anne Frank have been circulating YouTube. Lisa Gutierrez writes in the Kansas City Star:

The 21-second, black-and-white video, filmed on July 22, 1941 about a year before Anne and her family went into hiding, shows the front of an Amsterdam apartment building where Anne and her family lived.

Nine seconds into the film you can see a brief glimpse of Anne, age 13, leaning out of a second-floor window trying to catch a glimpse of her next-door-neighbor who just got married.

The authenticity of this film has been verified by the Anne Frank Museum.

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