DTEM4440 Summer21 Readings and Material

Privacy & Surveillance

DTEM 4440 Summer 2021 Syllabus 

A good booklet on how many of our fundamental technologies work is McNamee et al, How the Internet Works: A guide for policy-makers. European Digital Rights. Also check out Julien Hopkins: How to Define Social Media – An Academic Summary.

Module 1 History & Theories of Privacy & Surveillance

Readings week one

Warren & Brandeis (1890). The Right to Privacy. Harvard Law Review, 193-220.

Browne, S. (2015) Dark Matters: On the Surveillance of Blackness, Chapter 1


Check out The Privacy Paradox from Note to Self. Its a series of 5 letters which include tips and a short podcast explaining the science, psychology, and tech behind each challenge.

Reasons Privacy Matters

Ferenstein (2014) The Birth And Death Of Privacy: 3,000 Years of History Told Through 46 Images. Medium

Pearson J (2017 Digital Surveillance Is Class Warfare MotherBoard

Madden et al (2017) Privacy, Poverty and Big Data: A Matrix of Vulnerabilities for Poor AmericansData&Society

Eubanks (2014) Want to Predict the Future of Surveillance? Ask Poor Communities.

John & Peters (2017). Why privacy keeps dying: the trouble with talk about the end of privacy.

Manokha (2018) Surveillance, Panopticism and Self-Discipline in the Digital Age

Cinnamon (2017) Social Injustice in Surveillance Capitalism

Videos of interest

Jill Lepore: Our evolving attitudes toward surveillance, secrets, and privacy – The New Yorker Festival

The Secret History of American Surveillance

An Introduction to Michel Foucault’s Discipline and Punish – A Macat Sociology Analysis

PHILOSOPHY – Michel Foucault

The Toilet An unspoken History

Does Reality TV Affect Our View On Surveillance? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios

Daniel Solove: Nothing to Hide, Nothing to Fear?

History of a Public Controversy: Government Surveillance

Module 2 Body

Readings week two

Allen, A. (2011). Unpopular privacy: what must we hide?. Oxford University Press. Chap 3.

Whitson (2013) Gaming the Quantified Self

de Casanova & Webb (2017). A Tale of Two Hoodies

Winet (2012). Face-Veil Bans and Anti-Mask Laws: State Interests and the Right to Cover the Face

Mason Privacy of Information and DNA Testing Kits


Oscapella, E. (2012). Genetic Privacy and Discrimination: An Overview of Selected Major Issues. https://bccla.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/2012-BCCLA-Report-Genetic-Privacy1.pdf

Krimsky, S. & Johnston, D. C. (2017) Ancestry DNA Testing and Privacy: A Consumer Guide. Council for Responsible Genetics http://www.councilforresponsiblegenetics.org/img/Ancestry-DNA-Testing-and-Privacy-Guide.pdf

Shepard (2016) 5 reasons why surveillance is a feminist issue Gender IT

Bedoya (2016) The Color of Surveillance Slate

Interesting Videos

You Should Be Worried About Your DNA Privacy

Fitness Trackers | A Moment of Privacy

John Berger: Ways of Seeing, Episode 1 (1972) 

John Berger: Ways of Seeing, Episode 2 (1972) 

John Berger: Ways of Seeing, Episode 3 (1972) 

John Berger: Ways of Seeing, Episode 4 (1972) 

Surveillance and Race Online | Simone Browne at MozFest

Module 3 Home

Readings week three

Newell, Metoyer, & Moore (2015). Privacy in the Family.

Shapiro (1998). Places and spaces: The historical interaction of technology, home, and privacy.

Sicari, Grieco & Coen-Porisini (2015). Security, privacy and trust in Internet of Things: The road ahead.

Rapoport (2012) The Home Under Surveillance

Pridmore et al Intelligent Personal Assistants and the Intercultural Negotiations of Dataveillance in Platformed Households


ACLU Know Your Rights When Encountering Law Enforcement https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_toolkit_file/kyr_english_3.pdf

Farb, R. L. (2002). The fourth amendment, privacy, and law enforcement. Popular Government, 13-19. http://sogpubs.unc.edu/electronicversions/pg/pgspr02/article2.pdf

Stanley, J., Crump, C., & Speech, A. C. L. U. (2011). Protecting Privacy From Aerial Surveillance (Vol. 6, No. 6). American Civil Liberties Union. (December 2011). https://www.aclu.org/files/assets/protectingprivacyfromaerialsurveillance.pdf

Waddell, K. (2016) The Privacy Problem with Digital Assistants, The Atlantic, May 24 https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/05/the-privacy-problem-with-digital-assistants/483950/

Weingart, K. (2015) An Interview with Photographer Arne Svenson, PetaPixel, May 16. https://petapixel.com/2015/03/16/interview-with-photographer-arne-svenson/

Astor (2017) Your Roomba May Be Mapping Your Home, Collecting Data That Could Be Shared. New York Times

Interesting Videos

How your privacy is affected by digital assistants

Alexa is listening to you – Amazon privacy

The Smart Home That Spied On Me

Module 4 City

Readings week four

Joh (2016) Beyond Surveillance: Data Control and Body Cameras

Wood & Thompson (2018) Crowdsourced Countersurveillance: A Countersurveillant Assemblage?

Taylor (2016) Lights, Camera, Redaction: Police Body-Worn Cameras; Autonomy, Discretion and Accountability

Hendrix et al (2018) The Eyes of Law Enforcement in the New Panopticon: Police-Community Racial Asymmetry and the Use of Surveillance Technology

Van Zoonen (2016). Privacy concerns in smart cities.


Baldwin, P. C. (2014). Public privacy: Restrooms in American cities, 1869–1932. Journal of Social History, 48(2), 264-288.

Cavoukian, A. (2013). Surveillance, then and now: Securing privacy in public spaces. Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada. P

Datatilsynet (2016) Tracking in Public Spaces: The use of WiFi, Bluetooth, beacons and intelligent video analytics.

Find a POPs Privately owned public spaces in New York https://apops.mas.org/find-a-pops/

Mensel, R. E. (1991). “Kodakers Lying in Wait”: Amateur Photography and the Right of Privacy in New York, 1885-1915. American Quarterly, 43(1), 24-45. P

Németh, J. (2009). Defining a public: The management of privately owned public space. Urban Studies, 46(11), 2463-2490. P

Thomas, E. (2016). The Privacy Case for Body Cameras: The Need for a Privacy-Centric Approach to Body Camera Policymaking. Colum. JL & Soc. Probs., 50, 191. P

Walz, C. & Brookins, D. S. (2016) Privacy in Public? A Look at Recent Efforts to Recognize Privacy Protections in Public Spaces, Communications Lawyer, Summer 2016. P

Victor (2016) Study Urges Tougher Oversight for Police Use of Facial Recognition. The New York Times

Feeney (2017) When It Comes to Surveillance, Watch the Watchmen. New York Times

EFF Surveillance Self Defense

The Surveillance Firm Recording Crimes From Baltimore’s Skies

Is facial recognition technology an invasion of privacy?

What are the dangers of facial recognition technology? | The Stream

Fines And Facial Recognition – BBC Click

Life Inside China’s Total Surveillance State

Module 5 Cyberspace

Readings week five

Romele et al (2017) Panopticism is not Enough: Social Media as Technologies of Voluntary Servitude

Monahan (2018) Algorithmic Fetishism

O’Donnell (2014) Getting Played: Gamification and the Rise of Algorithmic Surveillance

Esposti (2014) When big data meets dataveillance: the hidden side of analytics

Marwick (2012) The Public Domain: Surveillance in Everyday Life


Datatilsynet (2013) Big Data: Privacy Principles Under Pressure

Datatilsynet (2018) Artificial Intelligence and Privacy

Smith, A., & Anderson, M. (2018). Social media use in 2018. Pew Research Center http://www.pewinternet.org/2018/03/01/social-media-use-in-2018/

Social Networks https://www.eff.org/issues/social-networks

Surveillance Technologies https://www.eff.org/issues/mass-surveillance-technologies

Locational privacy https://www.eff.org/issues/location-privacy

Mobile Devices https://www.eff.org/mobile-devices

Couldry (2016) The price of connection: ‘surveillance capitalism’ The Conversation

Kim, D. (2014) Social Media and Academic Surveillance: The Ethics of Digital Bodies, Model View Culture

Weinberg, J. (2017) The Real Costs of Cheap Surveillance. The Conversation

Online Privacy: How Did We Get Here? | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios

The Power of Privacy – documentary

Big Data and the Algorithmic Citizen

Spy Merchants – Al Jazeera Investigations