On sharks & coconuts

Summer is here and many are heading for the water. I just want to post a small wierd note to comfort those who fear the water.

“Falling coconuts kill 150 people worldwide each year, 15 times the number of fatalities attributable to sharks,” said George Burgess, Director of the University of Florida’s International Shark Attack File and a noted shark researcher.
Daily University Science News 23-May-2002

However the fear of coconuts seems to be exaggerated. Mulford et al (2001) write in the “largest review of coconut-palm related injuries,” that even though extensive studies have been carried out no fatalities have been recorded.

Well despite the academic debate on the topic of which is the most lethal (coconuts or sharks) the best thing to do is to stay away from both of these dangerous pasttimes – why not go bungee jumping instead?

Barss, P. “Injuries due to falling coconuts”, J Trauma. 1984 Nov;24(11):990-1. Read abstract.

Mumford et al, “Coconut Palm-Related Injuries in the Pacific Islands,” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, Volume 71 Issue 1 Page 32 – January 2001. More info.