Onwards to Mumbai

We flew to Goa on a plane filled with vacationers – happy people longing for sunshine. The eight-hour trip was bearable. In Goa we picked up our luggage and headed for the departure lounge. It was Air India to Mumbai. Passport checks, security checks, waiting at the gate all over again. The one hour flight seemed longer than it was, but at least we got served an Indian breakfast.

At the airport we were met by our driver, who proceeded to honk his way through the mad Mumbai traffic. Pedestrians, taxis, motorbikes, bicycles, cars in a mad display of disorganization moved and honked there way from the airport to the hotel. We passed several slums â?? including one, which our driver notified us was the largest in Asia. Again the value of human life was present. The value of real estate on the other hand was on par with any expensive city. This is a surreal place.

Now after almost an hours rest at the hotel we go out to see the city. Dead tired really. Not much sleep in the last 28 hours but to sleep now seems wrong somehowâ?¦

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