Balmers Brainwashed Offspring

In an interview with Fortune Magazine Steve Balmer replied to the question do you have an iPod?

No, I do not. Nor do my children. My children–in many dimensions they’re as poorly behaved as many other children, but at least on this dimension I’ve got my kids brainwashed: You don’t use Google, and you don’t use an iPod.

In a similar comment a few months ago the Swedish Minister of Justice has said in an interview that his children do not have any illegally copied music.

While I understand the needs of the fathers to portray an image. Why cant the children do what all other children do? Being a Swedish teenager today and not having pirated music is a serious social drawback. Copying and sharing music is part of the teenage experience. In my primitive youth it was the tape recorder that was an introduction to personal technology. In the same way that I learnt to speak by copying others, I learned how to create by recording from others.

Browsing the internet without google works but avoiding it on principle is just silly.

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