Oh, and several of them do write in English.
Röda Nejlikan: PhD student (science and technology studies), Research Policy Institute, Lund University.
Models for Life in Virtual Game Worlds: PhD student (game design), Gotland University.
Doktorandbloggen: PhD student (physical chemistry), Uppsala University.
Unknown Alternatives: PhD (informatics), Umeå University.
Transforming Grounds: Professor, the School of Informatics, Indiana University & Umeå University.
Markmedia: Lecturer JMK (The Department of Journalism, Media and Communication), Stockholm University.
Soul Sphincter: PhD student (english literature and IT), Umeå University.
Nätkulturer: PhD student (interactive media and learning), Umeå University.
Andart: PhD (computer science).
Projectories: PhD Student (technology and social change (Tema-T)), Linköping University.
Mothugg: PhD Student (political science), Göteborg University.
Loci.se: PhD Student (history education), Ã?rebro University.
Forskarbloggen: researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Stochastically: Professor, Royal Institute of Technology?
Med fingrarna i ekorrhjulet: (anonymous) someone in nano science.
Jenny W: PhD Student (law), Uppsala University.
Infotology: PhD in Cognitive Science, & Associate Professor, Human Ecology Division, Lund University.
Berghs Betraktelser: Research fellow, Ratio and Department of Economics, Lund University.
Salto Sobrius: PhD Archeology.
Klimatbloggen: PhD student (oceanography), Göteborg University.
Mia++: PhD student (english) Uppsala University and English Studies at Blekinge Institute of Technology in Karlskrona.
Kommenterat: PhD student, (informatics).
Perfekta Tomrummet: Associate Professor, Research Policy Institute, Lund University.
Emerging Communications: PhD student (english linguistics), Umeå University.
Net-life: PhD student (informatics) Umeå University.
the sum of my parts: PhD student (english linguistics), Umeå University.
Frepa.blog: Assistant Professor, dept. of Interactive Media and Learning (IML) at Umeå University.
Vetenskapsnytt: PhD student (computer science), Royal Institute of Technology.