Upphovsrätt, fildelning och allmänningar

De flesta som ägnar sig åt att fildela anser att deras agerande inte skadar någon och är legitima handlingar trots att lagen inte stöder det, skriver Mathias Klang och Karl Jonsson på Creative Commons. Motståndarna, som Svenska Antipiratbyrån, anser att kulturindustrin skadas och att därmed fildelning bör förhindras. I denna polariserade debatt försvinner de röster som vill att lagen ska fungera som stöd för kulturproducenten i stället för att vara ett hinder.

Computer Sweden 12 december

Fair Use

The Center for Social Media has produced interesting material on Fair Use:

Documentary Filmmakers’ Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use

Peter Jaszi – â??Yes, You Can!â?? â??Where You Donâ??t Even Need â??Fair Useâ?? a guide offers to what falls into the category of free use.

Peter Jaszi – Fair Use: An Essential Feature of Copyright hearing testimony by explains the legal significance of the doctrine of fair use, for creators, consumers and commerce.

Peter Hirtle – How to Find Out What is in the Public Domain explains when copyrighted material falls into the public domain.

Pat Aufderheide and Peter Jaszi – Untold Stories: Creative Consequences of the Rights Clearance Culture for Documentary Filmmakers – 2004 study shows how rights clearance problems hobbled creativity in documentary filmmaking.

Or watch the 7 minute video summarizing the results of the study Stories Untold: (43 Mb, streaming)

What is Google?

Google is many things. To some its a symbol of the success of the dotcom ideal. To others it has become an activity online (to google), and to others it is almost synonmous with our experience of the Web and maybe the Internet since most people no longer differentiate these two things.

The position of Google has taken such proportions that we no longer remember the time before Google. Not many years ago the main search engine was Altavista – its still there, but it no longer commands the position it once did. Google has been moving in all manner of interesting directions. Just to menation a few: Google desktop, Gmail, Google Scholar, Google Maps and Google Earth.

Google’s position has spawned some interesting spoofs: for example Googlism – which shows what google “thinks of you, your friends or anything”. Another example is the mirror version world of elgooG. A final example is Woogle which uses the picture search to tell stories in pictures.

Even prior to this diversification there were voices being raised about the position which Google was creating for itself in the everyday online lives of users. The question, stated basically, is what happens if we become dependant upon a private company for our information? Google is not a public office but is a private company whose primary goal is not truth but profit. In this vein we have seen that Google stores vast amounts of information about its users and has acquiesced to Chinese demands to censor information to users in China.

The role of search engines is becoming an important area of research, recently Matthew Rimmer at the Law Department of the ANU has organised a public forum on Google entitled “GOOGLE – Infinite Library, Copyright Pirate, or Monopolist?” (9 December).

The audio files from the Public Forum are online so for those of us who could not make it to Australia in time we can now listen to the presentations.

Försvara den privata äganderätten!

Välskrivet och intressant inlägg av Ulf Pettersson:

Lagen fråntar köpare rätten att använda skyddade CD, mjukvara, e-böcker och annat på de sätt de själva önskar, en självklar rättighet vid köp av andra ting. Förbudet kan inte försvaras med att köparen är informerad och har avtalat bort sin rätt.

Ulf Pettersson � Blog Archive � Försvara den privata äganderätten!

CC Press Release

This press release is available from here

Silicon Valley-based NGO introduces its innovative copyright licenses in Sweden

San Francisco, CA, USA and Berlin, GERMANY â?? November 30, 2005 â?? Creative Commons, a nonprofit dedicated to building a body of creative work free to share and build upon, today unveils a localized version of its innovative licensing system in Sweden.

Creative Commons copyright licenses are available free of charge from the groupâ??s website (http://creativecommons.org). The licenses allow authors and artists to mark their works as free to copy or transform under certain conditionsâ??to declare â??some rights reserved,â?? in contrast to the traditional â??all rights reservedâ??â??thereby enabling others to access a growing pool of raw materials with minimal legal friction.

Staff at Creative Commonsâ?? offices in San Francisco and Berlin worked with Project Lead Mathias Klang and Karl Jonsson of the Creative Commons Sweden team to adapt the standardized licenses to Swedish law. Creative Commons Sweden is hosted and supported by the IT University of the University of Göteborg.
Today the Swedish versions of Creative Commons licenses are being launched and will be available at http://creativecommons.org/ worldwide/se.

As a first official use of the Swedish Creative Commons licenses, the Swedish band Auto-Auto will be releasing their new EP â??Totemâ?? on December 13, 2005 under a Creative Commons license. â??Totemâ?? will contain five tracks and will be available for download at http:// www.auto-auto.se/. Together with the release, the record company and Internet community Substream are making a remix-kit freely available and will be announcing a competition for the best remix of â??Totem.”

About Göteborg University and IT University

IT University is a faculty within Göteborg University. It is a new addition to the centre for IT research, education and development in the west of Sweden. This venture offers excellent scope for cooperation between researchers within different areas of expertise and specializations. The programs offered are based on advanced research and are in a constant state of development.

Göteborg University offers the most comprehensive range of courses and degree programs in Sweden. Göteborg University has about 40 000 students, a staff of well over four thousand, and almost as many part- time teachers spread over approx. 70 departments.

For general information, visit http://www.gu.se/ & http://www.ituniv.se

About Creative Commons

A nonprofit corporation founded in 2001, Creative Commons promotes the creative re-use of intellectual and artistic worksâ??whether owned or in the public domainâ??by empowering authors and audiences. It is sustained by the generous support of the Center for the Public Domain, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Omidyar Network Fund, and the Hewlett Foundation.

For general information, visit http://creativecommons.org/


Christiane Asschenfeldt
Executive Director CC International, Creative Commons

Mia Garlick
General Counsel & COO,
Creative Commons
+ 1 415 946 3073

Mathias Klang
Project Lead Sweden

Karl Jonsson
License coordinator Sweden

Press Kit


Boys, girls & computers

Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace was an expert on the Babbage analytical engine. Her “Notes” on the engine contained the first published computer program – instructions on how to calculate the Bernoulli numbers.

Grand Text Auto report that Hanna Wallach presented preliminary results from FLOSS-POLS survey. Part of the data shows that while boys have their own computer by the age of 15 most girls have to wait until they are over 20.

In a report on IT related Crime (Lars Emanuelsson Korsell och Krister Söderman) from The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention from the year 2000 we find the wierd and wonderful quote:

â??Män misstänks för dataintrÃ¥ng, de manipulerar, raderar och stjäl program, filer eller data. När kvinnor misstänks som gärningsmän handlar det mestadels om interna dataintrÃ¥ng â?? obehörig registerupplysning och radering av filer, program eller data. Endast tre kvinnor misstänks för databedrägeri.â??

Källa: IT-relaterad brottslighet, BR�-rapport 2000:2

Loosely translated: Men are suspected of breaking into computer systems, they manipulate, erase and steal programs, files or data. When women are suspected it is mostly internally accessing computer systems – unauthorised looking at files and erasing files, programs or data. Only three women are suspected of computer fraud.

The authors therefore state that men are actively carrying out manly tasks of destruction while women are driven by curiousity to peek into files. Men “break, manipulate, erase and steal” while women look and erase. Even to the most untrained this is a joke. Men are doers who do macho stuff while women are either driven by curiousity or erase (by incompetence?).

I realise that the report is from 2000 but… come on!! Can they have written this with a straight face?

CC & kulturproduktionens renässans

Snarare än löpande bandet är datorn ikonen för vÃ¥r tid, inte sällan framställd i hotfull dager. Men man bör ocksÃ¥ fÃ¥ upp ögonen för datorn som ett verktyg för människans kreativitet. Det menar Mathias Klang, forskare i informatik vid Göteborgs universitet, i kritik av myten om det konstnärliga skapandets originalitet och frikoppling frÃ¥n omgivningen. Han föresprÃ¥kar ett slags digitala allmänningar, “Creative Commons”.

Läs mer på VägValVänster

Ethics in Internet

Its not often I get the chance to quote the Vatican but apparently they are for Free Software- Here is a quote from their “Ethics in Internet” report.

“The technological configuration underlying the Internet has a considerable bearing on its ethical aspects. Use of the new information technology and the Internet needs to be informed and guided by a resolute commitment to the practice of solidarity in the service of the common good. The Internet requires international cooperation in setting standards and establishing mechanisms to promote and protect [that common good]. Individuals, groups, and nations must have access to these new technologies. Cyberspace ought to be a resource of comprehensive information and services available without charge to all, and in a wide range of languages. The winner in this process will be humanity as a whole and not just a wealthy elite that controls science, technology, and the planet’s resources. Determined action in the private and public sectors is needed to close and eventually eliminate the digital divide.”

Ethics in Internet
Vatican Report

Creative Commons Sweden

As some of you might know I am project lead for Creative Commons Sweden. This is just a short note to let everyone know how work has been progressing. The licenses have been accepted and we are working on the translation of the FAQ. The goal is to have the Swedish licenses working before the end of November.