Industrial IT

The people at the Industrial IT group have got a blog (finally) some of them have been lurking around on this blog for some time its good to see that they have created a virtual soap-box of their own. The group resides in the far northern outback of Sweden in the city of Ume̴ Рthey also do some really cool work. Maybe its because its too cold to go out?

Updating to Ella

Every time word press releases and update I go through a period of tense anticipation. Will I be able to update my software without breaking the whole thing. So when I saw in January that WordPress had released WordPress 2.1 â??Ellaâ??, named for jazz vocalist Ella Fitzgerald I was a bit tense. But everything went well with a few minor changes that needed to be made to the theme.

But it wasn’t until I tried to actually write a new post that I realised that something was seriously wrong. Ella supports a new tabbed editor which enables switching between WYSIWYG and code editing while writing a post. Unfortunately not only was there no tabs but my whole toolbar had disappeared. I eventually resolved this by deleting and re-installing the /wp-includes/js/tinymce/ folder and doing a hard refresh. Hey Presto! there was my toolbar. But my problems were not over.

Right now I have a toolbar but attempting to add a link fails since the popup window that appears has no button to press on. Hitting return does nothing either. This is all very frustrating. Oh well if you don’t know what to do you can always fill your time by upgrading software…

Update! problem solved. The loss of the cancel/insert buttons that prevented me from inserting links without going to the html editor was solved by changing my java settings in Firefox, clearing the cache and then restarting. So now everything looks fixed again (until I find the next little bug).

Unpredictability and scope

Not really sure that it is possible to wrap up my thoughts about Mumbai but since there was no opportunity to continue blogging while down there the whole story seems a bit unfinished. So there is a need for a closing.

Friday was conference day so not much else happened on that day besides the conference. My keynote went well and there were many interesting people to talk and listen to during the rest of the day.

Saturday was group tourism day we spent the day around town enjoying the sights and sounds. The others even managed to go to a Bollywood movie that night but my guilty conscious made me stay at the hotel to do some much-neglected work.

On Sunday all the others took a day trip to the city of Pune but I felt there was too much I had not seen. In addition to this I really needed to stretch my legs rather than sit in a car all day. So I decided to explore much more of the city. My plan was to travel to a far point from the hotel and basically wind my way back through the more interesting streets I could find. The result was a great seven-hour walk through the city.

The trip started at the Hindu Mahalaxmi Temple complex and the Muslim shrine of Haji Ali Darga. The latter is out in the water and is reached by walking across a causeway the white shrine seems to float in the water. It is very impressive.

From there I just started walking. Following no real plan except for generally moving in the direction that would eventually lead me back to the hotel. The only point on the way I wanted to reach was a series of markets.

Finding the markets was a bit of a challenge. The city is not mapped out on a grid pattern. This makes the city more unpredictable and exciting, but it also makes navigation more difficult since the maps that I carried seemed not necessarily to represent the reality of the physical space. This was made more confusing by the fact that many roads carry both colonial names and post-colonial names. In addition to this many of the roads and places are known not by formal names but rather by accepted nicknames.

Eventually I began to get the impression that Mumbai was a limitless space. It seemed to expand limitlessly. I donâ??t mean that the outer edges were moving further from the center (which they also are) what I mean is that around every corner was a new surprise a new microcosm to be discovered.

I used to think that Rushdieâ??s magical realism when depicting this city was the result of excellent prose, an admiration for South American writers and an active imagination but after walking around Mumbai I get the feeling that the only way to capture this city on paper is to resort to magical realism. It is the only realism that can do credit to the city.

The markets came and went, the city continued with every corner: new sights, new characters, new experiences. The American shouting that someone stole his wallet, the salesperson who cursed me when I would not buy (the one and only such experience), three men pushing and pulling a cart had to stop to get a cow to move out of the way, markets with imaginable and unimaginable merchandise, the European hippie with dreadlocks and a child on his shoulders having an argument with his East Asian women â?? as I pass the hippie shouts angrily: the problem with you is that you need more discipline.

What can be said about a city which never ends but is a universe unto itself, how is it to be defined? To me there is no way to describe the city but its hallmarks are the endlessness and the life â?? the unpredictability and scope.

Home at last with bags unpacked and the first working day over Mumbai has left many impressions. From the memories to the scent of mothballs which has stuck to my backpackâ?¦

Not much more can be said that will capture the city. There are no pictures with this final post, instead all the pictures are online here.

Creativity, Ownership and Collaboration

MIT is holding it’s fifth conference on Media in Transition with this years theme being Creativity, Ownership and Collaboration. This may be a wide theme but the conference itself sounds interesting.

Our understanding of the technical and social processes by which culture is made and reproduced is being challenged and enlarged by digital technologies. An emerging generation of media producers is sampling and remixing existing materials as core ingredients in their own work. Networked culture is enabling both small and large collaborations among artists who may never encounter each other face to face. Readers are actively reshaping media content as they personalize it for their own use or customize it for the needs of grassroots and online communities. Bloggers are appropriating and recontextualizing news stories; fans are rewriting stories from popular culture; and rappers and techno artists are sampling and remixing sounds.

The deadline is fast approaching (5 January) but all they need is a short abstract (200 words) – read more here.

Anonymous Online

Most people have heard of the Zen koan “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” The purpose of the koan is not to have an answer but rather to be a point of departure for deeper reflection. Unfortunately for most of us with a western education we tend to attempt to answer the question with a yes or no – therefore defeating the purpose. My question of the day is a variation of the koan: If a protest is not heard – does it make a sound?

The ability to communicate in particular mass communicate is becoming easier. With all due respect to the numerous digital divides (age, knowledge, access, infrastructure etc) the ability to communicate via the internet is still growing. The question is whether this technology will serve the purpose of those attempting to conduct resistance or protest actions. The drawback with mass communication is that the communicator is all too easily identified and can be punished by those she is protesting or communicating against.

So there is a need to both be able to conduct mass communication via the internet and to remain anonymous. There is (thankfully) a growing number of relatively user friendly methods, in addition to tips and tricks, which the anonymous protester can use.

Many of these are to be found in the following guides:


Sometimes the world seems more bizarre than usual. Nothing really big, just a bit like looking at a mirror from an angle… It’s the same, vaguely familiar space… and yet slightly different. Too much work has made me ignore the fun part of blogging. What is left is zipping rapidly through the news not really registering what is going on. This becomes a disjointed reality. It’s close, vaguely familiar and yet slightly unreal. Even explaining it all makes it seem stranger than it is.

Here are three examples of “news”

Swedish media is full of the news that we will soon (tonight) have our first Swedish astronaut. Christer Fuglesang is to be the first Swede in space (sounds like an episode of the Muppet Show). Actually it gets a bit strange since the Norwegians seem to be claiming him as well. Well wikipedia says he is one of ours so it must be right.

The Swedish tennis star Björn Borg has sold the rights to his name for 124 million kronor (18 MUSD) to Worldwide Brand Management. WBM has previously had the license to the brand and paid royalties to the Dutch company Fabulous Licensing, which has connections to the Borg family.

NASA announced plans Monday to begin building a permanent base on the moon by 2024, four years after the space agency starts sending crews of four astronauts there for weeklong exploratory missions. The base would probably be located near the lunar south pole and be staffed by rotating teams of international astronauts for up to six months at a time, according to NASA officials.

When I have less time I tend not to follow much “traditional” media (newspapers, radio & television). Then when I see these kinds of news items zipping past the horizon I get the feeling that I am not missing much.
In 2001 Cass Sunstein wrote about the dangers of Internet media in his book (sample chapter). He argued that the Internet could weaken democracy because it allows citizens to isolate themselves within groups that share their own views and experiences, and thus cut themselves off from any information that might challenge their beliefs, a phenomenon known as the theory of cyberbalkanization.

Grey Saturday

Yupp another rainy Saturday has rolled around. While taking a walk around town I managed to pick up Vilém Flusser‘s book Towards a Philosophy of Photography which seems very exiting. Also discovered that the cool exhibition by Mattias Adolfsson (blogged about him earlier and he also has a blog with images) was still available and so was my favourite picture. So I bought the Beatnik Dragon.

Not a bad bit of procrastination – but now it’s back to the the real writing. Or rather as LP would say – the stuff that I really get paid for…

Big Blog – No Cash

In discussions on the role of blogs (with journalists, freelance writers, lawyers etc) I tend to argue that the biggest change is that there is all of a sudden a large group of people who are prepared to write for free. Many of these writers are really bad and not worth reading. But it is easy enough to find a group of blogs/writers, which suit your interests and tastes. Therefore a great deal of the sources of literature and analysis of affairs comes from passionate amateurs â?? as opposed to the ranks of paid experts.

In attempts to prove my point I often enjoy pointing out that I blog for free to an unknown audience. Sometimes that audience engages me in discussion, comments my writing or questions my intelligence. This feedback is always nice (even the latter).

Recently I was questioned (not online) about my statement that I blog for free since I have in the left column of this blog a list of books and if you were to click on them and then buy the books from Amazon chances are that I will get a kickback.

Have I therefore lost my amateur status?

The books are there because these are the books that I at present find most interesting they are randomly chosen from my collection at Librarything. The idea is to give the visitor and list of additional reading and provide readers with some random colour.

Since I said kickbacks you naturally ask: â??Tell us about the money!â?? To which I reply here is a copy of my earnings under 2005 (the duration of this experiment thus far).

The -7 refers to books which have been returned. So my connection with capitalism has brought me less than a penny a day. This amount is too small to be paid by Amazon â?? so I do write for free after allâ?¦

Or maybe it’s just because I don’t have a big enough blog?

Fashion rules the blogs

Checking some statistics on Swedish blogs only to find that right now seven out of the top ten blogs are fashion blogs (according to this counter). Now even if we discount the methodology used it is still a scary statistic.

Yes â??scaryâ??.

Even if we try to explain the fact by claiming technological arrogance and superiority. That maybe fashion oriented people visit blogs while many others use rss readers it still does not begin to match the statistic â?? seven out of the ten top blogs are focused on fashion.

Therefore the clothes we wear are more important to the population at large than any other subject or topic. Forget social issues, forget politics, forget technology, forget war, and forget sex. Fashion rules the blogosphere.

We have come a long way from Naomi Klein “No Logo” and the like…

In an attempt to capitalise on this information cartoonist Mattias Adolfsson has turned his blog into a fashion blog for one week only. But be warned â?? fashion isnâ??t what it used to be when Mattias looks at it!

Check out his “Showroom” series of sketches.

Expression, not Repression

Amnesty is one of those organisations which you know you should support more than you already do. They have also moved into the digital domain and are supporting all kinds of online expression. In an attempt to prevent online censorship they launched their irrepressible campaign.

Part of irrepressible is a technical solution that breaks censored texts into small pieces and maintains them online. Read more about how to help here.

If you cannot do more then at least sign their petition:

I believe the Internet should be a force for political freedom, not repression. People have the right to seek and receive information and to express their peaceful beliefs online without fear or interference.

I call on governments to stop the unwarranted restriction of freedom of expression on the Internet â?? and on companies to stop helping them do it.

Amnesty International will also be present at the Internet Governance Forum in Athens next week. Again they will be â??â?¦stressing the importance of protecting free expression and privacy onlineâ??

Read their press release here.