Can we forgive if we never forget?

An old saying which is often cited is â??forgive and forgetâ??. Another is the idea that â??time heals all woundsâ??. These two useful adages express an interesting idea that bad memories fade with time. This may be true. But they do not take into consideration the ubiquitous camera phone.

Most people have forgotten most of the painfully embarrassing things they did as a teenage. Some people are able to recall things they did as a teenager that they are thankful not many others remember. A few of us, hopefully not very many, may still carry scars of things that happened long ago.

But things are different now. This is a simplistic statement. But valid nonetheless.

Most things that happened in the teenage period of most adults today occurred off-camera. Not all â?? but most. Growing up today is different. Most, if not all, friends and acquaintances carry cameras with them in their mobile telephones. This ensures that most, if not all, memorable occasions will be recorded.

Can you imagine if the un-reflected, immature actions of your youth were stored on a hard disk somewhere? The threat of revelation will ensure that you can never relax completely. This goes beyond an old friend showing up and discussing â??the old daysâ?? â?? there is no element of deniability once the image is produced. But there is ample room for misinterpretation.

How will the future accommodate this? Will the future be filled with paranoid stunted people fearing the revelation of past indiscretions? Or will the future free itself from the actions of its youth? The latter would be the same as experiencing the past as an exotic, but irrelevant, distant country. Familiar but not.

The forgiving and forgetting will not be quite so easy anymoreâ?¦

PhD Defence Preview

So it’s all happening tomorrow. I defend my thesis. Not only will I be the placed under scrutiny and stress – but I will also be wearing a suit! For those of you who may want to read the thesis it’s over here.

If you don’t feel like reading it you can get the main arguments & counter-arguments by attending the defence tomorrow in Göteborg (again more info here).

If you cannot attend then you can catch me presenting my thesis at Humlab in Umeå. The presentation has been streamed and is online here.

Here are some “promotional” pictures…



Today is election day in Sweden. Yesterday all the political parties were fighting for the last undecided voters. It was also a very nice sunny day. Close to the place were the Social Democrats were going to speak in Göteborg I came across this protest:

The image is blurry but it is a person sitting on a chair with a table in front of him/her. On the table are plates filled with earth. The person is covered from head to foot with what may be a burkah. On his/her head a small childs shoe is balanced.

There was no information just the protest – at least I saw it as a protest. The whole protest was situated on a traffic island separating two roads.

The result was disturbing. There are many interpretations for what this could be symbolic of but no real knowledge…

Che Guevara Mashup

On 5th of March 1960 Alberto “Korda” Gutierrez took two pictures of Che Guevara. In 1967 the Italian publisher Giangiacomo Feltrinelli received two copies of the famous print at no cost.

Che by Korda

Feltrinelli started making posters from the prints with the notice â??Copyright Feltrinelliâ?? down in the corner. The image was on itâ??s way to become an international icon â?? it has been transformed, transplanted, transmitted and transfigured all over the world.

Korda never received a penny. For one reason only – Cuba had not signed the Berne Convention. Fidel Castro described the protection of intellectual property as imperialistic “bullshit”. Does this mean that Korda’s work is in the public domain? Probably not – but it is in a serious grey area.
Today I saw a new chapter in the Korda print. Paul Frank have made their fame (at least in my opinion – but then again this is not a fashion blog) from their cartoon monkey

The Paul Frank monkey is a cultural icon. So is Korda’s Che image. Paul Frank have now playfully (?), respectfully (?), irreverently (?) created a mashup of these two icons into this inevitable (?) conclusion…

When Che t-shirts became popular again (after the fall of the Soviet Union) I remember hearing a few mumblings from people that “young people” were adopting the icons of the revolution without any knowledge about the content, struggle or ideologi – the past had in fact become a trademark belonging to no one. I tried then to argue for the role of the cultural icon – but some still stuck to their guns and argued that the young were adopting symbols without knowledge and the manufacturers were profiteering on the ideology of the revolution.

From Korda to Paul Frank…evolution?…regression? You decide…

Sad iPod

My iPod has just made a face at me. Now it only does this

While I remember many years ago when my cat peed on/in my powerbook 100, I spent lots of time carefully drying it out. At the first successful startup the icon (usually a smiling mac) now looked like this.

I was naturally so thankful that my computer worked. Even if it never did smell the same again especially when the harddisk became warm…

Now that I am stuck here with a non-functioning iPod the “cute” unhappy ipod icon seems more like rubbing salt into the situation… So mac doesn’t use the “blue screen of death” but how is this better? The equipment does not work – but look at the cute icon? Bah!

Online helps involves resetting in different ways – I have tried them all. The final method which remains untried is to put my ipod in the freezer for a few hours and then reset.

oh, the joy of tech!

Sexist Coop Konsum

Coop Konsum is launching an advertising campaign which uses images of vegetables shaped as suggestive female body parts. Their sexist attitude is made even more hypocritical since their message (according to them) is that beauty comes from within (a message which is included on the posters)…



According to Coop Konsum the campaign is a part in a strategy to present itself as a healthy store which helps its customers choose healthy foods. How come they need to be sexist to be health conscious? Why do they feel the need to lower one standard in order to attempt to raise another? And why does the whole thing feel like a scam â?? maybe because they keep selling the same amount of unhealthy products as they always didâ?¦
Coop writes about their campaign here.

(via Media Culpa)

The Covers

So which cover do you prefer? To vote just add a comment.

Background: When I came close to the end of writing my PhD thesis I began to think about the cover design for the book. Realising I needed help I blogged this on 12/4. In addition I mailed a few people. The information appeared (amongst other places) on Boing Boing, Lessig, Foreword, Patrik’s sprawl, Perfekta Tomrummet, Free the Mind and Cyberlaw.

Here are the results

Entry 1

Entry 2

Entry 3

Entry 4

Entry 5

Entry 6

Entry 7

Entry 8

Entry 9

Entry 10

Entry 11

Entry 12

Entry 13

Entry 14

Entry 15

Entry 16