Running inspiration

It’s cold, it’s dark and I’m tired. This is not really the inspiration I need to put on my running gear and go out. I browsed around flickr hoping to find something inspiring but no luck. I came across this image which was very nice but does it make me feel like running? Nope. Nice photo though.


Photo by Kookalamanza

There is no disguising the fact that some days exercise is boring. But some days it is nigh impossible to get out of the chair. So admitting this online helps. It may be the wrong weather but that cannot be helped, it’s time to get dressed and go. Thankfully my iPod is loaded and helps me divert my attention from the running. It’s loaded with different lectures and podcasts. The latest is a series of lectures on the history of China. So it’s out into the darkness and into the Ming dynasty.

Seven Random Things

After reading the results of the Seven Random Things meme at both The Mummy’s Bracelet and The Little Professor I want to join in.

  • I grew up on the island of Malta where I attended an all boys catholic school. I have been an atheist as long as I can remember.
  • I once predicted that I would never need a mobile phone. I have lost count of how many I have owned.
  • As a child I was accident prone and required stitches on several occasions, I lost half a finger before I was two – but I have never broken a bone.
  • My first job was at McDonalds I survived 4 days before quitting.
  • I have been a vegetarian for twenty years but recently I have become aware of the fact that I don’t know why.
  • Science Fiction/Fantasy books bore me, but I like the films. Deep films bore me but I like to read the books. But I rarely read fiction.
  • I almost didn’t survive law school. Bad study routines, computer games (especially Diablo) and insufficient interest in general law almost made me quit. I wonder where I would be today.

Naturally its easy to tag friends like TechnoLlama, Jonas, Hesa, Cyberlaw… But I would also like to tag some of the blogs I regularly read so Mothugg, Stephen, Joi & Jill consider yourselves tagged!

Skiing for Christmas

So we have reached that time of year again. Itโ€™s time to finish off the Christmas shopping, limit access to the Internet and spend time with other people and technologies. Since my Christmas shopping has been completed and the holiday season has been organized I am feeling rather pleased with myself, almost a bit smug. Mind you itโ€™s usually at this time when things tend to go wrong.

This Christmas will be spent in Norway and it will include skiing! Oh yes I am breaking a long tradition of not knowing anything about skiing and heading for the snow in a big way. As with most serious pastimes there is a seemingly endless array of products, myths and techniques to buy, understand and assimilate.

Many of exciting purchases have been made. Basically, I have been introduced to a whole new genre of merchandise known as functional clothes. This alone is an area worth studying.

Anyway, while in the snowy hills I shall probably not be posting. On the whole I think that the holiday season will be a period where connectivity will be patchy at best. So I will take the opportunity to say Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, just in case. A bit early maybe, but not overly so.

Coping with the Crap and thinking the thoughts

After spending the best part of a morning doing admin, in particular going through my inbox only to discover what I have missed, I realize (not for the first time) that I need to be more systematic about my work. In particular I need to divide my day in a more efficient manner.

For me the three main productivity and time thieves are:

Interruptions and short meetings – this is because I try to work before and after but interruptions and short meetings make me lose my chain of thought and send me off on a different tangent. A well placed interruption can create a chain of events that cause a whole day to be lost.

Travel time – Since I spend several hours a week on trains (mainly) I need to reconsider the way in which travel can be seen. This time must be used more efficiently. Computer work is possible but not desirable. Reading may be the optimal use of train travel.

Administration – By this I mean the whole process of ensuring that my research and teaching works. It is everything from maintaining email correspondence to filling out the reports. The actual time spent with administration concerns and annoyances is almost as high as the time spent actually carrying out the administrative tasks.

The plan: A proposal of a new work order for myself.

First of all I need to create a meetings and administration day. On this day the main point of going to work will be not to write or to research. It will be to efficiently resolve my administration tasks. This will also free up my mind from thinking about administration.

Second of all I need to create the opposite of an administration day and this is my Creativity day. The whole point of this day will be to think. Not to write but to think. A whole day to work out solutions to problems, lay plans and develop ideas. This day should not be spent writing. Of course I will make notes but maybe I will do this longhand with a paper and pen. This day should be as unplugged as possible. Little or no computer use.

Third I will create two research and writing days. This will include writing out the ideas from the creativity day, carrying out research, writing articles, chapters and books. Writing research proposals belongs to the administration day and should not be done here. These days should be relatively unplugged – keeping Internet use to a minimum.

Fourth and last will be the teaching day. During this day I will lecture and guide, have student meetings and seminars. Since I have a low teaching burden at present this should be more than enough and the time not spent in teaching should be used in preparing for teaching and teaching administration.

Naturally an idea like this cannot work without making sure that there are exceptions. Every now and then I am sure that the plan will implode but the idea is to strive for improvement.

When will you blog? The exception to the rule

However while the focus of these days is as mentioned I do believe that there is a need to apply oneself to work on a regular basis. Therefore in each day I will include one hour of academic writing (except on the two research and writing days since this is already included). One hour of other writing (mostly emails & this blog).

This is the basic plan and I am sure that it will require some fine tuning but I hope to be quite strict about its application. It’s not a new idea that the freedom embedded in academia requires a great deal of self discipline but what is new for me is the attempt to implement a strict organized regime instead of trying to solve things on a priority basis.

Does anyone read Latin?

How shall I break this to you all gently? Probably best to be quick and not beat around the bush. A bit like pulling off a band-aid in one swift movement. I have a life outside this blog! Yes, besides being a blogger I am also active on Flickr ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyway a recent picture I took was of a Latin inscription at the base of a lamppost in Lund – unfortunately I cannot figure out what it means. So if anyone knows any Latin please help out.

Click on the picture to get a bigger image.

Talismans, Amulets, Mojos & Cell phones

Many of the The Beatles song lyrics are surreal or at least they seem so to the uninitiated. Attempting to decipher them seems to require a mix of pop culture, exotica and a broadminded approach to drug culture. One example is the great song Come Together from the album Abbey Road (1969). The tag-line Come together right now over me is really well known and appreciated but the rest is almost impenetrable.

He roller-coaster he got early warning
He got muddy water he one mojo filter
He say “One and one and one is three”
Got to be good-looking ’cause he’s so hard to see
Come together right now over me

Besides all possible, and impossible, interpretations one of the main themes in the song is the West African magic in particular the references to things like juju & mojo.

The mojo is a recurrent theme in music, in particular, blues music (Wikipedia has a list of references) its a magic charm carried under the clothes. Looking on the mojo as an outsider there is often a lack of understanding for the role it plays. Indeed often those relying on the mojo are seen as being superstitious.

Even in cultures where this occurs the talisman or amulet is commonplace. It is very difficult to precisely define what the talismans may, or may not, be as they can be different things to different peoples at different times. The main idea is that the talisman is there to protect the bearer. Again, to the non-believer this is simply superstition. However, many of those who argue this are prepared to wear a cross or other religious artifact every day.

In the secular society there is a tendency to look upon even religious symbols as being part of a superstitious infrastructure – they are more than unnecessary they actually limit the believing bearer from developing into an independent figure.

Whether you believe this or not is unimportant but I do find it interesting to see the way in which people behave when they are deprived of the technology. I don’t mean only the fact that they cannot use the technology I mean the way in which they behave when they have (inadvertently) misplaced or forgotten their technological artifacts.

If we ignore the functionality. How different is the insecurity and nervousness of a person deprived of his mojo to the feelings of a man deprived of his mobile phone? Does this mean that mass market technology has taken the place served by the good luck charms of our ancestors? Does a Nokia ward of evil spirits? Is male sexuality somehow connected to the contents of ones laptop?

On my desk & wall

Following a recent low-key trend here comes a totally frivolous posting about what is on my desk and the wall in front of me. On my desk at work I have the usual telephone, screen, mouse & keyboard. Penholder, Far Side calender, bottle of water, coffee mug with skull & crossbones, camera lens cover, envelope with posters, cd collection, my rings, train ticket, mobile phone & hands-free… Actually this is my desk in a rather tidy condition.


On the wall in front of me is a bookcase with the stuff that doesn’t need to be instantly available such as a nostalgia Mac Classic and Mac Newton, a globe which lights up and my poster of Tintin et les Picaros.


There is also a collection of PhD’s presented at our department some other strange books “The Memoirs of Field Marshal Kesselring” and a history of Karate, a small pile of useless papers and an empty lunchbox…

So, whats on your desk and wall?

in the Kitchen…

Today I am making an Indian birthday dinner for 27 people – but thankfully I am not working on my own. The work began last night (grinding spices and marinating chicken) and has taken most of this morning. Lamb curry and Chicken Tikka Masala will be the main dishes which is interesting since I have been a vegetarian for 20 years. I am not abandoning my vegetarianism but I will be tasting the sauces.

The whole house smells of exotic spices and so do I but we have reached a tipping point and the meal is coming along nicely. Now its time for a short break to buy the last provisions and, hopefully, grab a latte before the final stretch. Finish the main dishes and then organise the popadoms, naan, raita & chutneys.

Mmm, suddenly I have a craving for sushi ๐Ÿ™‚