Memory & Art

This painting has been with me since I was born. Its almost strange to have had something for this long and still discuss who owns it. Does it belong to the culture from where it came? Many cultures claim art that has ended up in foreign countries. Does it belong to the artist? Intellectual property is life + 70 years and moral rights last forever… What did my distant relative agree upon (and with whom) when he bought the painting in Africa and transported it to Sweden? It has since then travelled to many other places in the world. Does it matter? One day I must write a longer analysis on this topic… a book maybe?


About the artist: Pilipil Mulongoy
Born in 1916, he occupies an exceptional place in Congolese painting; they call him the Sorcerer of African luxuriance. Son of a fisherman from Lualaba, he participated in hunting and fishing where he gathered these themes which he later transposed onto his canvas. Pilipili Mulongoy studied in the atelier and later, the Academy of Beaux-Arts of Romain Desposes in Lubumbashi where he developed an essential understanding and skill in the plastic arts in the vast African subcontinent. Pilipili became a professor and integrated a new studio, the “Hangar” at the Academy.
The text was taken long ago from somewhere else… I would love to acknowledge the source but I cannot remember or find where I found it. Another flaw with a copyright system is that you have to remember things like this! (last part in italics added later).

Teaching term

Today my teaching for this term begins with the course eCommerce. This year I have some surprises for the students in that I have revamped the course and invited lots of new people to give lectures on different aspects. The students will also have to create an online business, play a trust game & write an essay. Too much? I dont think so.


The main goal is to get the students involved in thinking about the practical side of eCommerce so that they can both develop a critical sense of proportion to the hype and to most of the eCommerce litterature. This term its not enough to study I want the students to do something!

Parade's Dictator Top 10

The 2006 top ten dictators ranked by Parade Magazine

1) Omar al-Bashir, Sudan. Age 62. In power since 1989. Last yearâ??s rank: 1
2) Kim Jong-il, North Korea. Age 63. In power since 1994. Last yearâ??s rank: 2
3) Than Shwe, Burma (Myanmar). Age 72. In power since 1992. Last yearâ??s rank: 3
4) Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe. Age 81. In power since 1980. Last yearâ??s rank: 9
5) Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan. Age 67. In power since 1990. Last yearâ??s rank: 15
6) Hu Jintao, China. Age 63. In power since 2002. Last yearâ??s rank: 4
7) King Abdullah, Saudi Arabia. Age 82. In power since 1995. Last yearâ??s rank: 5
8) Saparmurat Niyazov, Turkmenistan. Age 65. In power since 1990. Last yearâ??s rank: 8
9) Seyed Ali Khamaneâ??i, Iran. Age 66. In power since 1989. Last yearâ??s rank: 18
10) Teodoro Obiang Nguema, Equatorial Guinea. Age 63. In power since 1979. Last yearâ??s rank: 10

Number 8 seems particularly weird, his work includes “bans on car radios, lip-synching and playing recorded music on TV or at weddings” (the lip-synching I can almost understand!) and he has ordered Turkmenistanâ??s physicians to give up the Hippocratic Oath and to swear allegiance to him instead.
– The ones who didnt make it are listed in 11-20, they are not a friendly bunch either.

Future war

future of war

An illustration of a futuristic battle taken from the October 21st 1916 issue of the German news weekly, ‘Die Wochenschau‘ (The Weekly Review). Translation of the caption: ‘Fighting machines of the future :battle between a gigantic trenchdestroyer and a powerful electrically driven ‘circlecruiser”.

via Space and Culture

War is Peace

While reading the Arundhati Roy “The Algebra of Infinite Justice” I came across a list of countries that the United States has bombed and/or invaded since WWII. The list is frighteningly long. Here are a few examples (the dates denote the starting time):

China (1948), Korea (1950), Guatemala (1954), Indonesia (1958), Cuba (1959), The Belgian Congo (1964), Peru (1965), Laos (1964), Vietnam (1961), Cambodia (1969), Grenada (1983), Libya (1986), El Salvador (1980), Nicaragua (1980), Panama (1989), Iraq (1991), Somalia (1992), Bosnia (1995), Yugoslavia (1999), Afghanistan (2001) & Iraq (2003).

Looking around online it is easy to find lots more information. For example “Death Tolls for the Man-made Megadeaths of the 20th Century” and Grossmans “Century of Military Interventions“. While looking through the latter it is difficult to maintain a positive attitude that peace is possible. Must a desire for peace be naive?


The snow has gone but its still below zero. Took a long walk yesterday, the countryside is tired and a bit grey when the snow is gone. The ice on the lake looks nice but its too thin to use.


Book Cover Art

Designing book covers is a difficult and underestimated art. To anyone who has finally finished a book the ordeal of book cover design is awful. Naturally if there is an art then there must be a group of afficionados & critics. Enter Book Covers, a site dedicated to viewing and discussing book covers.

I managed to write this post without even attempting a joke about judging books by their covers!

Trust & ATM

While I realise that the ATM runs on software, the full implications of this did not hit me until today when I had to wait until the ATM rebooted. Looking at the whole booting up sequence for NT 4 and seeing it do a virus scan did not really fill me with confidence towards the machine. In addition to this the ATM boot procedure stopped a long time with a view of the classic windows desktop with the icons for my documents and internet explorer showing.


The moral of the story is that the less you know the more you are able to trust. This means that trust is inversly proportional to the amount of relevant information. In other words if you talk about how secure a system is then you force people to become concerned with security when they really did not consider the system to be insecure. Showing the NT4 boot and the virus scan is obviously not done to inspire confidence but seeing it happen made me think about the vunerability of these systems.