Bike iPod Charger

You know the sinking feeling. You have a long way home but your iPod battery is running down fast. You wish you could somehow transfer power to your iPod. Here is a guy who has solved this problem by connecting a dynamo to his bike and attaching it to his iPod charger – creating the first bike-driven iPod charger! This is exactly what every bike-freak needs!


Theme Crash

Well this is the new look for my blog. The reason for the major change was that the old theme started doing strange things after I had updated. Isnt it wonderful how a change in one part of our comuter environment suddenly spawns a whole process of subsequent changes? Updating WordPress was quick and easy. Making it work the way I wanted to and look the way I wanted to was not.

WordPress 2.0 Theme Design Competition

Welcome to the WordPress 2.0 Theme Design Competition pages.

Anything related to this competition will be posted in a new entry. This new entry can be found at the side bar under title “Pages”. This including the competition announcement, result, updates, rules and prizes.

Open Competition: Internationally
Competition Title: WordPress 2.0 Theme Design Competition
Date : 15th January 2006 – 28th February 2006
Result: 7th March 2006

In this competition, there are 10 judges. I won’t reveal any of them until the result had been announced. Each judges are given 50 judging points for each templates (1 as the worst and 50 as the best) . At the end of the day, the templates with most point will walk away with the prizes.

The competition is here!


Ny politisk parti på gång. Kolla på Piratpartiet.

Piratpartiet siktar på att ta en vågmästarroll efter valet 2006. Det finns mellan 800 000 och 1 100 000 aktiva fildelare i Sverige, och de är alla trötta på att kallas kriminella. Vi behöver ha 225 000 av dessa med oss för att komma förbi fyraprocentspärren och hamna i vågmästarroll. Den rollen tänker vi sedan använda till att avskaffa upphovsrätten. Med mera.

Partiet står för avskaffande av immaterialrätten (upphovsrätt, patent, varumärken och mönsterskydd) med bifogade effekter (som kassettersättning), och dessutom kraftigt stärkt integritetsskydd för individen (bl.a. att datalagringsdirektivet inte ska implementeras, en upphöjning av brevhemligheten till generell kommunikationshemlighet, och en grundlagsskyddad rätt till privatliv).

Det sak bli intressant att se hur det utvecklar sig.

Technological Determinism

A quote attributed to Homer’s Odyssey (but I have been unable to find it there) is:

The blade itself incites to violence

The quote is a good example of how technological determinism does not need to be taken from examples based in the modern world. A nice example of the same sentiment deals with the problem of intellectual property and modern technology. “The iPod has room for 10000 songs – what do they expect us to do with them?”

18 tricks to teach your body

Soothe a burn, cure a toothache, clear a stuffed nose…

Did you know?
German researchers have discovered that coughing during an injection can lessen the pain of the needle stick. According to Taras Usichenko, author of a study on the phenomenon, the trick causes a sudden, temporary rise in pressure in the chest and spinal canal, inhibiting the pain-conducting structures of the spinal cord.

just too odd to miss – I had to blog this article from Mens Health with 18 things like this.