
George Orwell on self-censorship

â??Circus dogs jump when the trainer cracks his whip but the really well-trained dog is the one that turns his somersault when there is no whip.â??

The thesis

I recently found a great quote on the topic of the thesis:

A moment of shame, a lifetime of glory” Saara Taalas,

quoted in Rehn, A. “Quick & Dirty” in StrannegÃ¥rd (ed) “Avhandling”

Let it go…

â??I have heard the key
Turn in the door once and turn once only
We think of the key, each in his prison
thinking of the key, each confirms a prisonâ??
The Waste Land – T.S. Eliot

Twain on Copyright

“Only one thing is impossible for God: to find any sense in any copyright law on the planet”
Mark Twain

(Mark Twain’s Notebook, Cooper Square, 1972, p. 381)

Giddens Human History

â??The flow of action continually produces consequences which are unintended by actors, and these unintended consequences also may form unacknowledged conditions of actions in a feedback fashion. Human history is created by intentional activities but is not an intended project; it persistently eludes efforts to bring it under conscious direction.â??

Constitution of Society

Anthony Giddens – The Constitution of Society (1984) page 27.

Law of Motion

“Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.” Newton’s first law of motion

“A grad student in procrastination tends to stay in procrastination unless an external force is applied to it.”
Newton’s first law of graduation by Jorge Cham

Quote: The Universe

“Although the creation of a universe might be very unlikely, [Edward] Tryon emphasized that no one had counted the failed attempts.” Alan Guth

A Short History of Nearly Everything

Bill Bryson “A Short History of Nearly Everything”