
After being laid low by strange fever for almost 24 hours (no, not avian flu) I have just spent the last 18 hours in front of the computer.

Never mind. Its 4 am. Its Monday. Its cold. But more importantly its in. I have delivered 200 pages or 97995 words (thats + 2,892 for those of you who are still counting) on deadline. Next major hurdle is on the 15 March when the seniors get to sit down and tear it apart in front of me.

Two days

The biggest deadline ever is on Monday. Today I have continued editing and I met my supervisor for another round of comments. The total for the day is 95103 words which means that the document has grown with 134 words. Saturday and Sunday will be a non-stop orgy of editing – does life get any better than this?

3 days left

Now its only Friday, Saturday & Sunday left to work on the thesis. I have spent most of the day (and night) editing the thesis. To be able to find many of the small errors I have missed despite several readings of the text I am now using the text to speech tool on my mac and following on a printed version on the text. Editing by listening is a very, very effective method of catching out the small typos. I have done half the text in this way and will do the other half tommorrow. The editing has resulted in the removal of some text but I still have increased it by 88 words (total 94969).

I will also meet my supervisor tommorrow afternoon to get his final thoughts on the text so that I can spend the weekend editing. On Monday morning I can finally let go of the text for almost two whole weeks. So tired…

“Lunch Hour” by Joseph Hirsch 1942.

then there were five days left…

Cool – I can literally feel the tension. Tomorrow I am giving a guest lecture on the Impact of Internet Technology on Human Rights which is fun but as any good supervisor will tell you – this is not the time for fun…

The thesis is still swelling – maybe I should see a doctor? Sorry that was an aweful joke. Today has added 1363 words to make the messy total at 94 881. This late addition was the addition of a larger conclusion in the form of implications of this work.

I also received an interesting book package today including Rampton & Stauber’s book “Trust us, we’re experts” – more info here, and the incredibly cool book by Torbjörn Tännsjö “Du skall understundom dräpa!” (translated: thou shallt sometimes kill!). Tännsjö is a very interesting professor of philosophy at Stockholm University.

Day 10

So much for the short break. Cant keep away. Also I have been getting some early feedback from some people. The new count is + 650 words (93163). Also the reading tip of the day is Savirinuthu “Open Source, Code and Architecture: Its the Memes Stupid” International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, Volume 19, Number 3 / November 2005 pp 341 – 362.

Which unfortunately is not available for free but the library should have a copy. Another reason to support open access!

In addition to this I have news that my examination committee has been chosen. I cannot write about them but I am happy with the choice. For you gender studies people the committee will consist of 1 woman & 2 men.

This is not the Committee!

day 11

Yesterday I handed my thesis (all 92 513 words of it) over to my supervisor for his final reading before I submitt to the internal reviewer. This means that I am taking a break from the thesis for a few days. But not many – the clock is still ticking…

And if anyone wants to read a copy and send me their comments – just contact me…

day 13

After a few days offline in the middle of snowy nowhere. I have read the entire work and begun the serious process of editing. Today I have now edited a little more than half the book. I am on the 53rd version of my document and I am becoming more paranoid about data-loss for each day and version. Lots of backups now.

I thought that the backups would make the work shorter but I was wrong. Today the word count is 91856 words which is an increase by 1502 words since the last time I opened the file.

Even though there are still 13 more days to go I hand everything over to my supervisor tommorrow for him to read while he is travelling. On his return I have the weekend to edit his comments before handing it all in to the internal reviewer who will be my opponent on the senior seminar on the 15 March.
The reading tip of the day is specialist stuff – Blanke “Robust Notice” and “Informed Consent”: The Keys to Successful Spyware Legislation, Columbia Science and Technology Law Review 2006 Vol 7.

A long time ago I had to wear a school uniform with this badge… never would have guessed where I ended up…

Stella Maris College, Malta

day 18

Today was spent editing the whole package. Its 90 354 words which means an increase of 66 words since yesterday. I am going offline for a few days. I shall be in Grängesberg which basically translated means offline.