19 days "oh, wooble, wooble"

A landmark day the text crossed the 90 000 word mark! I know its not about the amount of words but this is really the only communicable mark which is available to the writer. Otherwise it is only a good day or a bad day. Actually I hope that the total does not rise too much beyond this point as it is really enough. (Whatever that means in a text?) The total of todays work is 90 288 words spread over 183 pages. The production level of the day was + 967 words.

No real good place to explain where the work was carried out as it concerned the explanation of which regulatory modalities (Lessig The Code, 1999) were studied in each of the six case studies. In other words…


For those of you who needed help on the above the reading tip of the day is the whole BBC Blackadder site and the transcripts from the series which are here (Go directly to Wooble here). For those of you serious students out there buy the whole series on DVD.

21 days

Sunday. A bright full moon outside in a clear black sky. Today I re-worked the case study on property in virtual worlds and have added 1219 new words to the thesis production. Writing on property made me think about the Seagulls in Finding Nemo “Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine…”

Seagulls in Finding Nemo

The recommended reading of today is from the entry on Property from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

22 days

Another 501 words added to the list. Making the total 87 565 spread over 178 pages. Today the work was on the Foucault & the Panopticon (Foucault Power/Knowledge 1980):

There is no need for arms, physical violence, material constraints. Just a gaze. An inspecting gaze, a gaze which each individual under its weight will end up by interiorising to the point that he is his own overseer, each individual thus exercising this surveillance over, and against himself. A superb formula: power exercised continuously and for what turns out to be a minimal cost.

The reading tip of the day is “Panoptic Power and the Pathologisation of Vision” by Majid Yar.

23 days

Todays production was +1478 bringing the total up to 177 pages and 87 064 words. It was a good day.

And the countdown is still in the twenties. Today was lots of work on filters & censorship (Look at OpenNet iniative). On Yahoo! helping China chase cyberdissidents and Google creating a ideologically clean (Chinese style) search engine for China. Its obvious that the companies are bending over backwards to gain access to the Chinese market. Despite all the corporate retoric their actions speak louder than words.

Censorship by Eric Drooker

Reading tip for the weekend: Rosemary Coombe “Commodity Culture, Private Censorship, Branded Environments, and Global Trade Politics: Intellectual Property as a Topic of Law and Society Research

Advice to a shiny new phd student

A friend of mine, Johan Söderberg, has just been accepted as a Phd student in Science and Technology Studies at the University of Göteborg at the same time I am struggling to meet the final deadline for my Phd studies. It feels almost natural to indulge in a bit of advice giving to the new student. In part this advice is supposed to balance the stuff I have previously written on the subject such as this.

I dislike disclaimers but this post needs one. Following any advice, including this advice, is the same as entering into Phd studies. You do it at your own risk.

First Advice: Write down 10 things you want to achieve. Include ideas, expectations, dreams and hopes. Put the list into an envelope and do not open until you are halfway or two-thirds through your Phd period. Remember the things you write down should be seen as advice to your future self. Most probably you will be cynical and jaded to your own advice but take your list seriously when you read it.

Second Advice: If you have the inclination to blog â?? then do so. There are loads of arguments for (here) and against (here) academic blogging. Certain supervisors would view it as a waste of time and energy but I disagree. Any activity which involves the formulation and presentation of ideas is an important activity for a Phd.

Third Advice: Go international. As a Phd you are part of an international community (urgh I am so sick of that word). You may not understand the thesis of a Biochemist is about but you are both struggling with the production of text, supervisors, universities, conferences, journals and much more� Finding people who understand what you do is important. Unless they are also in academia, your friends and family will just think that you never left school and therefore are still immature and naïve.

Fourth Advice: Be helpful and friendly to your colleagues. I have NEVER understood the competitive side of some Phd students who attempt to suppress others. I will never understand the reason why certain people with Phdâ??s tend to forget the reality of the situation and bully Phd students. Picking on people who cannot fight back does not mean you are powerful. It means you are a weak human being.

Fifth Advice: Pick a cartoon. I donâ??t know why. Almost every Phd student I have come across has a cartoon. OK so I have not conducted serious applied empirical studies. The cartoon becomes an icon or a totem. Reading them as metaphysical representations of your daily life adds a new dimension. Calvin & Hobbes work well for this. Piled Higher and Deeper are an obvious choice â?? but that it never a bad thing.

Sixth Advice: Trust no one! Donâ??t believe anything anyone tells you about the Phd. It is an experience. You make the experience. Naturally you are affected by reality but how you choose to accept reality is up to you.

Seventh Advice: Question everything! Conducting research means questioning everything. Its like a return to childhood with the endless naïve questioning of accepted values. Yes it makes you a pain if you have to ask other people questions or tell them your results. But thatâ??s the point. Unquestioned doctrine is dead thought. Even if you arrive at the same conclusion as you did before you began to question then at least you have thought for yourself.

Eighth Advice: Go International 2. Beg, borrow or apply for grants. Travel to conferences and meet people who are smarter than you. Sitting within the confines of your own department is not going to broaden your horizons. You must read and relate to the works of others in your field outside your department if you are to be good at what you do. Relating to your own department may work in the short term.

Ninth Advice: Write! Write! Write! From the day you begin your Phd work. Write! Reading is important but donâ??t get stuck there. Donâ??t wait until you have read â??everythingâ?? or the next important book before starting. If you do not have text you cannot re-write. Keep a research diary if you like â?? this is not a blog â?? in it you write all your research thoughts and ideas. Do not read a book without writing your thoughts about the book (including references to the work and to others). You have no idea how helpful this will be.

Tenth Advice: Enjoy! If you do not enjoy what you do your text will reflect this. If your text reflects this then your thesis will not be interesting for the reader. If you do not enjoy what you do how are you ever going to find the energy to read all the texts, discuss them with others, write all your texts and beg others to discuss them with you?

25 days

Todays total is 84 660. This means today’s count was +831 words. The main focus of todays writing was on autonomy and the effects of censorship – very cool stuff. Today’s recommended reading is Stuart Hamilton’s doctoral dissertation “To what extent can libraries ensure free, equal and unhampered access to Internet-accessible information resources from a global perspective?” (another link here).

In addition to this I gave a lecture entitled “What is eCommerce” which included a list of top ten dot com deaths from Cnet. Founded in the UK as an online fashion store, Boo.com eventually burned through $160 million before crashing in May 2000. I took the picture in London in 2001. Its an sticker I found near Seven Dials. Not a good slogan considering the fate of Boo…

26 Days

Today the deleting and the writing almost cancelled each other out. Previous counts have only recorded changes in the 100s of words but today the change is +40 words (exact number). The total today is 83 829 words or 170 pages.

Photo Hans Runesson (1985)

The photo above was taken at a neo-Nazi demonstration in the Swedish town of Växjo in 1985. The woman could not contain her anger any more and ran out among the neo-Nazi demonstrators and hit one of them with her handbag. Her act is a true example of civil courage.
The topic of the day was online civil disobedience. Part of the focus was on the online discussion between the Electrohippies and the Cult of the Dead Cow which took place in 2000. The Electrohippies wrote Client-side Distributed Denial-of-Service: Valid campaign tactic or terrorist act? to which Oxblood Ruffin wrote the Response of the Cult of the Dead Cow.

27 days

The snow has turned to rain so its all mushy wet snow and cold water. The result of the days work is +900 words and its 27 days until the grand hand-in. The focus of my work today was writing a short theoretical section on privacy to introduce the chapter on the relation between spyware and integrity. The thesis is now 170 pages long.

The recommended text of the day is “The Right to Privacy” written by Warren & Brandeis in 1890. They argue that there should be a right to privacy and that such a right can be understood to exist out of the legal principles of their time. The motive for writing this article is usually their anger at the Saturday Evening Gazette reporting of one of Warren’s daughters. One of the best quotes include

“Gossip is no longer the resource of the idle and of the vicious, but has become a trade, which is pursued with industry as well as effrontery. To satisfy a prurient taste the details of sexual relations are spread broadcast in the columns of the daily papers.”

“The intensity and complexity of life, attendant upon advancing civilization, have rendered necessary some retreat from the worldâ?¦”

Somehow this all seems very modern. The part about intensity and complexity of modern life seems almost strange considering it was written over 100 years ago.

One of the reasons why the article came about is the development of technology. The Kodak camera above was a radical development in photographic technology which enabled the photographer to become mobile and therefore allowed pictures to be taken with the fantastic portable technology. In addition to this the new technology meant that the motive did not have to remain immobile in a studio.