Mumbai Day One

As day one draws to a close I am full of impressions. On the way from the airport we passed the huge slums and it is easy to be filled with pain seeing the plight of these people who just want to get on with their lives. In the city there is sadness and poverty â?? as tourists we are legitimate targets and (beggars of all kinds hope) cash cows. It may be easy to get trapped in the negative which at first glance can be seen everywhere in this decaying and progressing city. But the idea is not to let this impression take the upper hand.

Many of the houses in the city are struggling against decay but this in itself is not ugly. More like an old man who has fallen on bad times, underneath the surface there is much to be admired. There may be much sadness but there is also an incredible energy and joy in this city. There are literally people everywhere, all talking all gesticulating, discussing holding hands and walking around.

The traffic is chaos â?? the most necessary part of the car is the horn, followed by the accelerator and steering wheel. The rest of the car seems to be there for decoration. The cars are surrounded by taxis and motorbikes, all honking and weaving through traffic with careless abandon. Women do not drive (at least none that I have seen) and on motorbikes they must sit sidesaddle (almost all of them).

Today we walked around the city, saw the Gateway to India and went to the museum of Mumbai which was a eclectic collection of artifacts all connected to the city in some way.

Now its passed midnight â?? I cannot remember when I last slept. My head is spinning with new impressions and thoughts while the city prepares for a few hours of rest before life returns tomorrow.

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