Swedish Embassy on Second Life

The days here are long so there is not much time for extra reading but in todayâ??s edition of the Times of India there is an article about Sweden. Naturally (?) since Sweden is the exotic over here, so the reason why we rate an article is the strangeness factor.

Sweden has announced that they will establish an embassy in the virtual environment â??Second Lifeâ??. Reading the article closer it is not really the Swedish Foreign Office that will create an embassy but rather the Swedish Institute which is involved in marketing Sweden to the world. They have a good tourist site with lots of information about, and experiences of Sweden.

Someone has managed to sell in this idea to his/her boss but it does feel kind of sad that the Swedish marketing arm is attempting to waste time and energy marketing a physical country in a virtual environment. This is the kind of project that gets everyone excited but with hindsight nobody wants to admit they liked the idea.

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