Academic Blogs in Sweden

Sakj is studying Swedish academic blogs and has but up a list of Swedish academic blogs. The list contains 29 blogs (yes – mine is included) but what surprises me is that there are only 29. So I am writing this post in an effort to find more Swedish academic blogs. If you know that your blog should be on this list then add it to the comments…

Oh, and several of them do write in English.

The List

Röda Nejlikan: PhD student (science and technology studies), Research Policy Institute, Lund University.

Models for Life in Virtual Game Worlds: PhD student (game design), Gotland University.

Doktorandbloggen: PhD student (physical chemistry), Uppsala University.

Unknown Alternatives: PhD (informatics), Umeå University.

Transforming Grounds: Professor, the School of Informatics, Indiana University & Umeå University.

Markmedia: Lecturer JMK (The Department of Journalism, Media and Communication), Stockholm University.

Soul Sphincter: PhD student (english literature and IT), Umeå University.

Nätkulturer: PhD student (interactive media and learning), Umeå University.

Andart: PhD (computer science).

Projectories: PhD Student (technology and social change (Tema-T)), Linköping University.

Mothugg: PhD Student (political science), Göteborg University. PhD Student (history education), Ã?rebro University.

Forskarbloggen: researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Stochastically: Professor, Royal Institute of Technology?

Med fingrarna i ekorrhjulet: (anonymous) someone in nano science.

Jenny W: PhD Student (law), Uppsala University.

Infotology: PhD in Cognitive Science, & Associate Professor, Human Ecology Division, Lund University.

Berghs Betraktelser: Research fellow, Ratio and Department of Economics, Lund University.

Salto Sobrius: PhD Archeology.

Klimatbloggen: PhD student (oceanography), Göteborg University.

Mia++: PhD student (english) Uppsala University and English Studies at Blekinge Institute of Technology in Karlskrona.

Kommenterat: PhD student, (informatics).

Perfekta Tomrummet: Associate Professor, Research Policy Institute, Lund University.

Emerging Communications: PhD student (english linguistics), Umeå University.

Net-life: PhD student (informatics) Umeå University.

the sum of my parts: PhD student (english linguistics), Umeå University. Assistant Professor, dept. of Interactive Media and Learning (IML) at Umeå University.

Vetenskapsnytt: PhD student (computer science), Royal Institute of Technology.

On my rss reader I had three blogs that were not on Sakj’s list:

Marie Eneman: PhD Student (informatics), Göteborg University.

Patrik’s Sprawl: PhD Humlab & UmeÃ¥ University.

Tankeorganisation: PhD Student (physics), Uppsala University.

More on Walls

In a previous entry I wrote about walls of design and segregation. I tried to write about the impact of segregating people by using physical barriers â?? but mainly I pointed to the fact that there are many walls out there but we tend to forget this fact since we remain pleased with ourselves that THE WALL (the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain) has been removed.

Probably the easiest way to discover a wall is by looking at an area of the world which is troubled. Find a trouble-spot and all you have to do is to glance at the more fortunate neighbors to find a hefty wall.

So it should come as no surprise that the Saudi Arabian government is planning to build a security fence along its 550 mile stretch of remote desert northern frontier. This is a huge project. The wall or barrier will be equipped with ultraviolet night-vision cameras, buried sensor cables and thousands of miles of barbed wire.

Through this fence the Saudi Arabianâ??s now can join the great wall builders of the world such as the Israeli security barrier, the massive migration fence in southern Spain, and the U.S./Mexico border.

The Saudi Arabian barrier consists of a double fence running about 100 meters apart with 135 electronically controlled gates, fence-mounted movement detection sensors, and buried radio detection sensor cables. Naturally the equipment will also combine the standard hi-tech ultraviolet night-vision cameras with face-recognition software and communications equipment.

(via Subtopia)

Toxic Waste Export

When Europe strengthens legislation against toxic waste a sad side effect is the fact that exporting our poisonous mess to countries with less ability to enforce such legislation. Read the detailed reports of the toxic waste trade and the Panamanian flagged ship, the Probo Koala, in Der Spiegel and Greenpeace.

The Probo Koala scandal deals with a load of highly toxic waste. Discharging it in Europe was too costly. Therefore the company and crew dumped the waste on less regulated shores of West Africa. The result was seven dead and more than 40,000 in need of medical help. The government fell earlier this month as a result of the scandal. (via Other Bhopals).

After dumping its deadly cargo on the poor and unprotected the ship sailed to Europe and recieved a clean bill of health. On monday Greenpeace sailed alongside the ship with their vessel Arctic Sunrise up alongside the tanker in Paldiski, Estonia sprayed the slogan ‘Toxic Trade Kills‘ on the tanker and preventing it from leaving.

(via The Orchid)


Today I begin my teaching experiment. The students of my computer ethics course are going to blog as a core part of their work. They have to create blogs and during the course they will have to produce a minimum of 5 entries a week. Three of these entries have to be 350-500 words long on the topic of that particular week.

The goal is to get them writing without standing next to them with a big stick. Enthusiasm doesnâ??t mix well with the big stick.

Today is also the day when 500 copies of my PhD thesis arrive â?? itâ??s almost like Christmasâ?¦

Call for Copyright Activists

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary define the word Extortion as obtaining (as money) from a person by force, intimidation, or undue or unlawful use of authority or power.

In order for musicians to get paid copyright collectives began to appear in the 19th century. These collecting societies were formed to ensure that those who create copyrighted material are able to collect the money they are due. In its simplest form the member musician hands over control of his/her economic rights to the collecting society. The collecting society then has the mandate to collect the dues. Once collected these funds are dispersed among the members.

In most (at least European) countries the collecting societies have established themselves as a central part of the socio-economic system. They are powerful interest groups which ensure that they (and in extention their members) are catered to by the political-legal system. By entering into agreements with trade organisations the collecting societies now have established the right to collect money from all businesses that play music, show tv etc to their customers.

Rasmus at Copyriot has written an interesting piece on the way in which collecting societies manage to collect money. In Sweden the most active collecting societies are SAMI and STIM which are able to collect money for any music played in places of business where customers gather.

So large everything from: hotels with music in the lifts, small pizzerias whose music annoys you while you wait for your delivery, hairdressers, businesses that play cheesy music while you are on hold and cafés with music nobody listens to. They are all required to pay to the collecting societies.

Rasmus even relates an event where a policeman at a demonstration in Germany wrote down all the songs played and sent the list to the German collecting societies who promptly sent the organiser a bill. Swedish law would work in the same way. The policemanâ??s superior stated that the policeman had gone too far but the bill still has to be paid. (link to story in German).
The Spanish Case

In 2005 the main Spanish collecting society (Sociedad General de Autores y Editores – SGAE) â?? sued Ricardo Andrés Utrera Fernández, the owner of Metropol, a disco bar located in in Badajoz for not paying SGAEâ??s license fee of 4.816,74 â?¬ for the period from November 2002 to August 2005 for the public performance of music.

On February 17th, 2006, the Lower Court number six of Badajoz, a city in Extremadura, Spain, rejected the collecting societyâ??s claims because the owner of the bar proved that the music he was using was not managed by the society. The music performed in the bar was licensed under CC licenses that allows that public display since the authors have already granted those rights. Specifically, the judge said:

â??The author possesses some moral and economic rights on his creation. And the owner of these rights, he can manage them as he considers appropriate, being able to yield the free use, or hand it over partially. “Creative Commons” licenses are different classes of authorizations that the holder of his work gives for a more or less free or no cost use of it. They exist as â?¦ different classes of licenses of this type â?¦ they allow third parties to be able to use music freely and without cost with greater or minor extension; and in some of these licenses, specific uses require the payment of royalties. The defendant proves that he makes use of music that is handled by their authors through these Creative Commons licenses.â?? (quote from CC)

The full text of the decision (in Spanish) is available here. The Spanish case sets a new precedent in that it confirms that the collecting societies can only collect if the music played is made by members of collecting societies.

Copyright Activists Needed
What needs to be done? Hairdressers and café owners are probably not the most tech or Internet savvy. So to help them the basic idea is to set up a website filled with CC licensed music and easy howto instructions on how to use the music either online or by downloading and creating CDâ??s.

Aside from music arranged by genre, technical information on how to use it, the site should include legal information explaining why the users will no longer have to pay money to the collecting societies.

This copyright civil disobedience could potentially become the most important method for affecting change in the copyright system since it attacks the purse of the collecting society. In addition to this the scheme is legal. This last point does not make it less civil disobedience since the organisation of the site is a form of protest against the extortionary powers which the collecting societies have collected.

Strategic Media Relations

â??beware of Greeks bearing giftsâ??: The phrase comes from Virgil’s poem of the Trojan war (The Aeneid) and represents an interpretation to the phrase spoken by Laocoon attempting to warn the Trojans not to bring the wooden horse into the city, â??Whatever it is, I fear Greeks even when they bring gifts.â?? (Quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentes). Naturally the Trojans did not listen and they were massacred. More on the story at wikipedia.

So when I received an email recommending a privacy story my paranoia reminded me of Loacoon. The mail began: â??Thought you might be interested in reading and possibly linking to the following story published in the Star-Telegramâ?? â?? the story was on the use of biometrics at Disney Theme parks, written by two students. Interesting but definitely old news. Even I wrote about it ages ago (July 2005)

I have never heard of the Star-Telegram nor of the sender of the email. So I began to dig. The first clue came from the email address this mail comes from an account director at a â??Strategic Media Relationsâ?? company.

Why would someone I do not know, working at a PR firm want to draw my attention to a mildly interesting news story? It was not even a news story really more an information piece. So I checked my logs.

It seems like the PR firm searches for blogs on technorati and then emails them with â??newsâ?? stories. The idea would most probably be to create increased interest in their clients. This is confirmed by the email which includes a paragraph about a cooperation between four schools of journalism.

My problem is that I would probably have linked to the story and I have no real problem linking to the journalism project. But the use of the PR firm sending friendly emails as if they were concerned about privacy issues (which I am) just makes the whole thing â?? sad.

I will not post their story since it is not the story they are interested in â?? they are marketers and spammers. Please correct me if I am wrong.

I realise that this post has been thin on the details but that is because I do not inadvertently want to do what the email attempted to manipulate me into doing.

Creative Commons Launch Colombia

If you happen to be in Colombia on the 22 August then you are invited to go to the Creative Commons launch party in Bogota.

There will be two separate events, in the morning at the Polictecnico Grancolombiano University we will present several speakers that will include: Proffesor Laurence Lessig, the ccColombia team, SIB (Colombian Biodiversity Information System), (an important nationwide newspaper that will begin to offer their citizen journalists the opportunity to use Creative Commons licenses in its online portal) and The Free Software Community.

This venue will be webcast here and here at 14:30 GMT.

In the afternoon we will be having an open content session in one of Bogota’s most vibrant public space: The Biblioteca Publica Virgilio Barco with a live performance by Silvia O and several DJs, VJs and Bloggers that will be displaying their CC work. This venue will be webcast here at 23:00 GMT.

Be sure the check the visual memories of the launch by searching the tag: cccolanzamiento on flickr.

If you do go please say Hi from CC-Sweden to your host – Jaime Rojas

Blog for Credits

Rainy Saturday mornings are made for being lazy. But unfortunately I am wasting mine by catching up on work. Since the office has moved location at the same time that I am completing my thesis and at the beginning of term real day-to-day work seems to have been pushed aside. But it will not wait. New students are approaching fast!

My main teaching this term will be in two main areas
(1)    A distance-learning course on the theory and philosophy of Free Software.
(2)    A technology ethics course.

Neither of these courses are new but I am re-vamping the technology ethics course in a big way. The main problem is helping students understand that the technology they take for granted also carries with it problems. Admitting to these problems is not the same as the Luddite impulse to abolish technology but it is the first step at improvement. We need to understand what the problem is if we are to be able to address it.

Previous attempts have been a varying degree of success. Even if the students pass the course I still have a sneaking feeling that some of them just donâ??t get â??itâ??. So this term I am trying something new. The students are going to blog!

Apart from the traditional course material, lectures and seminars the students will be required to set up individual blogs where they will be required to write posts relevant to the different themes of the course. Therefore when the course discusses areas such as privacy or intellectual property the students will be required to post their thoughts and/or other material on the subject.

The course starts with an introduction to the technology and social impact of blogs. Then they will have to go out and start their own (new) blogs. We will also be discussing the importance of visibility, ways in which traffic can be increased and the purpose of blogs either as citizen journalism or entertainment.

This will be followed by a section on basic ethics before the course really begins with applying ethics on questions of technology. The course will end as it usually does with an essay.

Hopefully blogging will enable the students to explore the questions we are looking at on their own terms â?? forcing them to evolve from passive consumers of information to active producers. The students will be graded on their essays but also on their blogs (have not decided upon the criteria for this yet).

In Swedish when things go very wrong we say that it all became pancake â?? so right now I hope that the whole thing does not go pancake.

The Cool Blogs

It took some time but now I have visited Times 50 Coolest Websites 2005. My favourite section is the blogs (duh). Many of the Times choices were familiar but some were not. They include the amazing to the mundane.

One blog site on the list is PostSecret where people send their secrets on postcards to the blogger who scans them and posts them online. Some are secrets are trivial while others are dark most are disturbing in one form or another. A recent, simple yet disturbing example included the text: I lie to make my life seem normal.

Two sites on the list that are made for procrastination are Overheardinnewyork and Overheardintheoffice. Both sites are reports of snippets of overheard conversations.

The list also includes the design site MoCo Loco and the food fetish site Chocolate and Zucchini just to mention a few favourites.

The list of blogs also include gossip sites and more – but they were not those I would have added to my list…

Culture and Copyright, Fans and Bootlegs

An issue in the piracy debate, which is not often brought up, is that of rare or unusual material. While most would agree that taking a newly produced commercial music cd and sharing it online is at least questionable behaviour. To those who understand both the letter and the spirit of the law would say that it was illegal. Albeit that there remain some who argue that the law should permit this behaviour under certain circumstances.

But what about material which is not commercially viable? What about material which larger corporations ignore simply because they deem it to be uninteresting? Sometimes the pro-piracy debaters (for example Rasmus Fleischer) argue that file sharers fill an important cultural gap by ensuring that rare materials are provided rather than disappearing altogether.

The Australian fan site ABBAMAIL is for the true fans of the Swedish group. Most real fans are (slightly) obsessive (I think this is a requirement for fandom?) and collect all the products which their idols have produced. In addition to this most fans are also interested in collecting the rarities that are not officially released â?? the bootlegs.

The Sidney Morning Herald writes that ABBAMAIL:

Until recently, the site also sold bootleg CDs and DVDs containing old recordings of ABBA performances, radio and TV appearances that were otherwise unavailable.

Titles included “Memories that remain”, “1979 Australian Radio interview”, “An Australian love affair” and “Dick Cavett meets ABBA”.

The owner of the rights to ABBAâ??s music (Universal) has threatened ABBAMAIL with legal action unless it not only stops selling the bootlegs but also hands over the details of fans who allegedly bought or supplied unauthorised or “bootlegged” live recordings via the site. Read more about this on the protest site started by the founders of ABBAMAIL

The question at stake here is not who is legally right. This is not argued. The question is whether there should be a right to provide material which is not being disseminated (for a whole range of reasons). The Swedish television and radio archives are a treasure of material but the organisations do not dare release the material for fear that the â??ownerâ?? may claim economic compensation â?? the result is that the cultural treasure is slowly being forgotten. This is not the point of copyright law.