Elephants Dream

Licensed under the Creative Commons license and created by using open source tools the animated short “Elephants Dream” is now ready for download. The movie and production files are licensed under “Creative Commons Attribution 2.5”, which only requires a proper crediting for public screening, re-using and distribution.



“Elephants Dream” is the result of almost a year of work, a project initiated and coordinated by the Blender Foundation. Six people from the Blender user/development community were selected to come over to Amsterdam to work together on an animated short movie, utilizing Open Source tools only.

More information about the film here.

(via Free the Mind)

Flickr & CC

Flickr has included new features in its advanced search function. You now can filter the results to search for material which has been licensed under specific Creative Commons terms.

This means that you can search the approximately 12,753,778 CC-licensed photos on Flickr across all CC licenses or only those that allow commercial use or derivative works.

Umeå Cool

I have been invited to visit the cool people at Humlab in Umeå in the north of Sweden, on the 28 September.

Amongst other things UmeÃ¥ is involved in workshop for doctoral students with the theme â??Interaction in Digital Environmentsâ?? (21-22 August 2006). This workshop will be arranged by a local doctoral student network (Digital Interaction Research Network â?? DIRN) at UmeÃ¥ University. The network is composed of doctoral students from various departments and faculties with a common interest in the study of interaction in digital environments.

Speakers will be

– Jill Walker, Department of Humanistic Informatics, University of Bergen
– T.L. Taylor, Center for Computer Games Research, IT University of Copenhagen
РPatrik Hernwall, School of Communication, Technology & Design, Șderțrn University College
РPatrik Svensson, HUMlab, Ume̴ University

The workshop arrangers will pay for traveling participantsâ?? costs for food and accommodations. The number of participants accepted to the workshop will be limited.

Agony of choice

Naturally I had heard of the saying â?? never judge a book by its cover but as most people know: this is exactly what we always do. When reaching the point when I could realistically design the cover for my own PhD thesis I set about the task with a large amount of enthusiasm. In part this comes from the desire to be creative and in part (I must confess) this comes from the joy of procrastination.

What I ideally wanted was a cover which said it all: a metaphor for the work, a eye-catcher, mysterious, unconventional, artsy, deep, filled with meaning, simple, elegant, awaking curiosity, striking etc etc and also with a little humour thrown in. In other words, like most people I wanted everything.

It is difficult to generalise about art but an example of my favourite book cover might sort of give an example of what I mean.

My own design efforts consist manly of what can be considered the Magpie approach. I steal and adapt. Usually this can be legitimised by the words of Pablo Picasso: â??Bad artists copy. Great artists stealâ??, the problem is – which am I? The result of my work was this:

It is part of a Russian film poster from a film called the Eleventh (1923) (original can be seen here) created by the Stenberg Brothers.

Then I realised that I should be using the technology I write about to see if I could be helped by others who know more than I about the art of book covers. So I issued a call for help which generated a lot of comments (both positive and negative). It also generated book covers which were presented here.

The covers generated more discussion. The majority picked nr 8. It was a landslide victory. However as has been pointed out to me â?? art is not a democratic process. So it comes down to the dilemma and anguish of choice. This was a terribly hard decision since the covers were all exiting.

More than this many of the submissions came with explanations and details which helped me realise the art behind the art work. This whole process of choosing a book cover â?? which could have been a simple process of choosing a background colour and adding the title of the book (this is not unusual for a PhD thesis) became a major learning experience. For your artistic efforts and for taking the time to educate me I thank you all.

The choice for my thesis is nr 8. It represents the interruption of communication. The vulnerability of relying on a technical infrastructure upon which we build society. The cartoon nature is a interesting form of â??false marketingâ?? since the contents of the book are really dry! Thank you all.

Nr 8.

Temporary storage devices

Is it a cat? Or maybe its a rabbit. Childrens chalk drawings outdoors always interest me. In part its the excitement of drawing outdoors. In part its the sheer size of the drawing material. And then its the wonderful part that the drawing is only there fore a short moment. If you dont look now – it gone.

Yesterday at the seminar in Stockholm Lars Ilshammar spoke about information protectionism and the dangers of trusting storage devices. Microfilm has a life expectancy of less than 100 years (and is cost intesive). Most paper we use today will crumble to dust within 80 years due to the residual chemicals. Digital storage devices have a life expectancy of about 25 years (but probably much less). In addition to this digital storage devices require that we save and maintain both hardware and software and the means with which to maintain both.

As Lars put it – its a major problem and also a business opportunity for the company who manages to save everyones digital photo albums…

Digital solidarity

Tomorrow its back to Stockholm for the third time in two weeks. Itâ??s a good thing that I like trains! I shall be giving a talk about Free Information in Practice. It is part of a half day seminar on Digital Solidarity and Waking Public Opinion.

Also participating are Rasmus Fleischer from the Pirate Bureau presenting a talk on â??Shared Information, effective informationâ?? and Lars Ilshammar who will be talking about the global effort to free information.

So if you are in Stockholm and have the time drop in for what looks like an exciting seminar (and its free)

Starts 12.30 ends 16.45

Place: Solidaritetshuset, Tegelviksgatan 40, Stockholm

Information online

The Covers

So which cover do you prefer? To vote just add a comment.

Background: When I came close to the end of writing my PhD thesis I began to think about the cover design for the book. Realising I needed help I blogged this on 12/4. In addition I mailed a few people. The information appeared (amongst other places) on Boing Boing, Lessig, Foreword, Patrik’s sprawl, Perfekta Tomrummet, Free the Mind and Cyberlaw.

Here are the results

Entry 1

Entry 2

Entry 3

Entry 4

Entry 5

Entry 6

Entry 7

Entry 8

Entry 9

Entry 10

Entry 11

Entry 12

Entry 13

Entry 14

Entry 15

Entry 16

Plagiarism again!

Right â?? its official. Teaching students about plagiarism is absolutely pointless (see earlier post). Once again my university has sunk to a new low-point.

Background: At the department of business studies two students wrote their masters thesis. Their supervisor then took parts of the text and included it word for word in an article she presented at an international conference. The students were not acknowledged in any way. The head of department defended the supervisorâ??s actions in the student press â?? which is sad, but in a sense an understandable defence. Still sad and it shows a definite lack of backbone.

The errand was to pass through the research ethics committee (Rådet för ärenden om oredlighet i forskning) of the university. Great, honour will be served. A blow will be struck for academic integrity and also show that the stealing student work cannot be considered to be the praxis of our university.

But! I do not believe it. The majority of the research ethics committee found that while it was wrong that the supervisor did not ask the students, it was too far to say that the supervisor had cheated. This position was motivated that by calling the supervisor actions plagiarism would effectively be damage scientific research.

What?? The lack of backbone from the research ethics committee is what damages research. This weak, spineless position legitimises cheating by academics and drags our university through the mud.

Shame on you.
With any luck the students will take the supervisor/university to court and win easily in a copyright violation case. This is not a good development but one which the university has begged for through its spineless attitude.

Extreme Blogging

Chrisrine Hurt & Tung Yin have written a paper intriguingly entitled â??Blogging While Untenured and Other Extreme Sportsâ?? for the Bloggership: How Blogs are Transforming Legal Scholarship Symposium at the Berkman Center. April 28, Agenda here. The papers are available via SSRN.

The extreme sport sort of blogging is something which this site keeps coming back to – last visited here.

Hurt & Yin Write in their conclusion:

â?¦we believe that the benefits of pretenured blogging outweigh the costs in our individual situationsâ?¦ Unfortunately, this analysis must be done with an unflinching look at oneâ??s own ability to self-monitor, self-discipline, and manage oneâ??s own time.

Considering the venue it is unsurprising that the authors come out on the side of the blogs but it is precisely this that concerns me. Are they preaching to the choir? The position of untenured (and to a lesser degree those with tenure) academics can be both enhanced and threatened by the blog so a degree of self-criticism and caution may be a good thing.

Blogging in the private/public divide

Part of blogging is attempting to figure out why we blog? Not all blogs pose this question but it appears often enough* to be recognised as being a common question. This question becomes even more relevant when the blogger takes active risks by blogging.

In an earlier post (blogging revisited 21/1105) I reported about an article concerned with the risks being taken by job-seeking academics who blog. The author of the article wrote that their blogs prevented the potential employer from hiring since they revealed a different side to the applicant than that presented at the formal interview.

A temporary prosecutor in San Francisco blogged about a case he was prosecuting:
Karnow didn’t find the postings prejudicial enough to throw out the entire case, as the defense wanted. But in turning down that motion to dismiss this week, the judge still came down hard on ex-prosecutor Jay Kuo, calling his conduct “juvenile, obnoxious and unprofessional.” … (via Lunda Wright)

Other bloggers take greater risks as whistleblowers or reporting on corrupt and/or repressive governments. While some bloggers and blogs are well protected using different means many are open and tracing the authors is a (relatively) easy task.

Organisations such as the EFF have created documents to help those who need to blog anonymously â??How to Blog Safely (About Work or Anything Else)â?? but these are either not widely known or widely used.
There seems to be something special about the blog and its place in the private/public divide. The blog is a private diary and yet it is open to the world.  The privacy promotes the sharing of secrets while the public the desire to communicate.

Why take the risks? Are they really risks or is blogging perceived to be a private act? Even though most bloggers are aware of their publicâ?¦

*Some examples from Google on the search â??why I blogâ??
WatermarkJacobsenUnder the sunMedia Metamorphosis