Street Art

I have begun to notice the development of a new (?) form of street art. Small decorative items turn up in the usual and unusual places. This is an example at the ATM on Vasagatan (Göteborg – areal photo)

Kind of cute…

Thesis work in progress

Just in case you all thought that the boring updates were over… I would just like to remind you that since my senior seminar I have been busily editing and fixing the text with a multitude of power tools…

Today I leave the text with a total of 98 246 words. Since the last official count on this blog that is an additional 245 words.

Public Domain Comic

Law books are traditionally text heavy with little or no pictures. Very rarely including humor or light entertainment. Therefore it is great to see what law professors can do when they want to change this!

The Center for the Public Domain have created a cool comic explaining copyright and the public domain. It takes the form of classic horror comics and describes the adventures (or misadventures) of the hero Akiko, the documentary film maker. I thought it was geat! So go look at “Tales from the Public Domain: Bound by Law” by Aoki, Boyle & Jenkins

Read it online or download it here.

Hickory Dickory Dock

At 1 pm today the senior seminar begins. This means that the senior researchers at my department will give me feedback on my thesis. The result of this meeting will be whether or not I will publicly defend my thesis in June or not. I am supposed to be preparing and thinking great thoughts but all I have in my mind right now is the old nursery rhyme:

Hickory Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck one
and down he run
Hickory Dickory Dock

Hickory Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck two
The mouse said “boo”
Hickory Dickory Dock

Hickory Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck three
The mouse said “wee”
Hickory Dickory Dock

Hickory Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck four
The mouse said “no more”
Hickory Dickory Dock


After being laid low by strange fever for almost 24 hours (no, not avian flu) I have just spent the last 18 hours in front of the computer.

Never mind. Its 4 am. Its Monday. Its cold. But more importantly its in. I have delivered 200 pages or 97995 words (thats + 2,892 for those of you who are still counting) on deadline. Next major hurdle is on the 15 March when the seniors get to sit down and tear it apart in front of me.

Return from the wilderness

After a brief holiday in the wilderness of Grängesberg an old mining community in the middle of Sweden. The snow was great and the people still use the traditional Spark (translation: kick) to get around.

The thesis? You ask with some trepridation… My “magnificant octopus” as Baldrick would say has been with me and I have been editing brutally. No word counts until tommorrow since not only have I been offline, I have also been uncomputerised.

19 days "oh, wooble, wooble"

A landmark day the text crossed the 90 000 word mark! I know its not about the amount of words but this is really the only communicable mark which is available to the writer. Otherwise it is only a good day or a bad day. Actually I hope that the total does not rise too much beyond this point as it is really enough. (Whatever that means in a text?) The total of todays work is 90 288 words spread over 183 pages. The production level of the day was + 967 words.

No real good place to explain where the work was carried out as it concerned the explanation of which regulatory modalities (Lessig The Code, 1999) were studied in each of the six case studies. In other words…


For those of you who needed help on the above the reading tip of the day is the whole BBC Blackadder site and the transcripts from the series which are here (Go directly to Wooble here). For those of you serious students out there buy the whole series on DVD.

The Press

Not for the first time I have become irritated with the press. Yesterday was another example.


The picture is of a Swedish tabloid headline. It reads: 300 000 in Sweden. The sneak test that exposes if your workmate is a psychopath. 20 quick questions.
I realise that one should not dignify the tabloids with the dignity of the press. As common knowledge dictates – they are not “real” newspapers. However they do fall under the freedom of the press protections. I realise that this is a dangerous road to tread but with great freedom comes great responsibility. Should the tabliods be allowed to publish anything without fear of reprisal? Why should their position be so unthreatened if all they do is this (and worse).

22 days

Another 501 words added to the list. Making the total 87 565 spread over 178 pages. Today the work was on the Foucault & the Panopticon (Foucault Power/Knowledge 1980):

There is no need for arms, physical violence, material constraints. Just a gaze. An inspecting gaze, a gaze which each individual under its weight will end up by interiorising to the point that he is his own overseer, each individual thus exercising this surveillance over, and against himself. A superb formula: power exercised continuously and for what turns out to be a minimal cost.

The reading tip of the day is “Panoptic Power and the Pathologisation of Vision” by Majid Yar.