Losing the apostrophe

Birmingham (England’s second-largest city) has decided to drop apostrophes from all its street signs, saying they’re confusing and old-fashioned.

Naturally, not everyone is happy with these changes Yahoo News reports that Marie Clair of the Plain English Society says about the apostrophe “They are such sweet-looking things that play a crucial role in the English language … It’s always worth taking the effort to understand them, instead of ignoring them.” In the same article Lynne Truss the author of the brilliant and funny book “Eats, Shoots and Leaves,” is quoted as saying “Those spineless types who talk about abolishing the apostrophe are missing the point, and the pun is very much intended,” (but this was not about the council decision in Birmingham)

The BBC reports that John Richards, the founder and chairman of the Apostrophe Protection Society, said: “It seems retrograde, dumbing down really.”

Ah, the importance of little things…

A barrel of blogs?

Language is rich and complex. Just take the specific names we have for groups of nouns: A flock of geese, a swarm of bees and a herd of sheep. These have become common and easily accepted but we do have collectives which are far stranger these have fascinated me since I first came across them eons ago in my first english book: First Aid in English

A shrewdness of apes
A culture  of bacteria
A battery of barracudas
A quiver of cobras
A murder of crows
A pod of dolphin
A swarm of eels
A mob of emus
A business of ferrets
A leash of greyhounds
An array of hedgehogs
A bloat of hippopotami
A parliament of owls
A school of whales

So what should a collection of blogs be called? One suggestion is a gaggle of blogs since they remind me of geese all honking but not really listening, and yet all aware of each other as a group.

What is your suggestion?