
Swedish biggest national â??synth musicâ?? radio show SiZER has voted the best Song, Artist and Newcomer of 2005. Auto-Auto was nominated in all three categories and won the award for Best Song of 2005 with the first single Dog.

On December 13th Auto-Auto will release its EP Totem. This will be the first official record release under a Creative Commons license in Sweden. The release will coincide with Substreamâ??s unique remix contest. Since the licenses are to be released under a BY-NC-SA license the ownership of the remixes will not be claimed by the record company. The winner of the remix competition will be included on Auto-Auto’s upcoming record.


Be sure to download the EP and the remix kit on the 13th.

CC Press Release

This press release is available from here

Silicon Valley-based NGO introduces its innovative copyright licenses in Sweden

San Francisco, CA, USA and Berlin, GERMANY â?? November 30, 2005 â?? Creative Commons, a nonprofit dedicated to building a body of creative work free to share and build upon, today unveils a localized version of its innovative licensing system in Sweden.

Creative Commons copyright licenses are available free of charge from the groupâ??s website ( The licenses allow authors and artists to mark their works as free to copy or transform under certain conditionsâ??to declare â??some rights reserved,â?? in contrast to the traditional â??all rights reservedâ??â??thereby enabling others to access a growing pool of raw materials with minimal legal friction.

Staff at Creative Commonsâ?? offices in San Francisco and Berlin worked with Project Lead Mathias Klang and Karl Jonsson of the Creative Commons Sweden team to adapt the standardized licenses to Swedish law. Creative Commons Sweden is hosted and supported by the IT University of the University of Göteborg.
Today the Swedish versions of Creative Commons licenses are being launched and will be available at worldwide/se.

As a first official use of the Swedish Creative Commons licenses, the Swedish band Auto-Auto will be releasing their new EP â??Totemâ?? on December 13, 2005 under a Creative Commons license. â??Totemâ?? will contain five tracks and will be available for download at http:// Together with the release, the record company and Internet community Substream are making a remix-kit freely available and will be announcing a competition for the best remix of â??Totem.”

About Göteborg University and IT University

IT University is a faculty within Göteborg University. It is a new addition to the centre for IT research, education and development in the west of Sweden. This venture offers excellent scope for cooperation between researchers within different areas of expertise and specializations. The programs offered are based on advanced research and are in a constant state of development.

Göteborg University offers the most comprehensive range of courses and degree programs in Sweden. Göteborg University has about 40 000 students, a staff of well over four thousand, and almost as many part- time teachers spread over approx. 70 departments.

For general information, visit &

About Creative Commons

A nonprofit corporation founded in 2001, Creative Commons promotes the creative re-use of intellectual and artistic worksâ??whether owned or in the public domainâ??by empowering authors and audiences. It is sustained by the generous support of the Center for the Public Domain, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Omidyar Network Fund, and the Hewlett Foundation.

For general information, visit


Christiane Asschenfeldt
Executive Director CC International, Creative Commons

Mia Garlick
General Counsel & COO,
Creative Commons
+ 1 415 946 3073

Mathias Klang
Project Lead Sweden

Karl Jonsson
License coordinator Sweden

Press Kit


Kalle tipped me off to an interesting license.

The Sony-BMG’s EULA contains some interesting limitations to the users rights.

# If your house gets burgled, you have to delete all your music from your laptop when you get home. That’s because the EULA says that your rights to any copies terminate as soon as you no longer possess the original CD.

# You can’t keep your music on any computers at work. The EULA only gives you the right to put copies on a “personal home computer system owned by you.”

# If you move out of the country, you have to delete all your music. The EULA specifically forbids “export” outside the country where you reside.

# You must install any and all updates, or else lose the music on your computer. The EULA immediately terminates if you fail to install any update. No more holding out on those hobble-ware downgrades masquerading as updates.

# Sony-BMG can install and use backdoors in the copy protection software or media player to “enforce their rights” against you, at any time, without notice. And Sony-BMG disclaims any liability if this “self help” crashes your computer, exposes you to security risks, or any other harm.

# The EULA says Sony-BMG will never be liable to you for more than $5.00. That’s right, no matter what happens, you can’t even get back what you paid for the CD.

# If you file for bankruptcy, you have to delete all the music on your computer. Seriously.

# You have no right to transfer the music on your computer, even along with the original CD.

# Forget about using the music as a soundtrack for your latest family photo slideshow, or mash-ups, or sampling. The EULA forbids changing, altering, or make derivative works from the music on your computer.

EFF: DeepLinks

The original text of the EULA can be read here.

Creative Commons Sweden

As some of you might know I am project lead for Creative Commons Sweden. This is just a short note to let everyone know how work has been progressing. The licenses have been accepted and we are working on the translation of the FAQ. The goal is to have the Swedish licenses working before the end of November.

Does Creative Commons free your content? – CNET reviews

An excellent article on Creative Commons was published on CNET, here is a quote to give you an idea…

“Here’s the concept of a Creative Commons license, as I understand it. Every creative work receives copyright protection automatically the moment you fix the work by putting pen to paper, hitting save, or pressing record. This protection reserves all rights to the work’s creator. Nobody can use that work without express written permission except where there is legally determined fair use. (We’ll get to what constitutes fair use in a minute.)

Creative Commons provides a somewhat standardized set of licenses that a creator of copyrighted works can use to give extra rights to people. This is similar to the GPL, used for software. (What was hard for me to wrap my head around in writing this column is that Creative Commons is actually more about protecting the audience you’re hoping will use your work than it is about protecting you. You still hold on to whatever rights you reserve, but you’re abandoning some of those rights on purpose.)

Copyright law protects any creative work you create whether you want it to or not. Nobody can legally use your work beyond fair use without a license. Creative Commons serves as a license that people who want their work to be shared can issue. Don’t want your work to be shared? No problem. Don’t use a Creative Commons license. ”

Does Creative Commons free your content? – CNET reviews

CC: The Story

From Lawrence Lessig:

Creative Commons was conceived in a conversation I had with Eric
Eldred. I was representing Eric in his case challenging the United
States Congress’ Copyright Term Extension Act. Eric was enthusiastic
about the case, but not optimistic about the results. Early on, he
asked me whether there was a way that we could translate the energy
that was building around his case into something positive. Not an
attack on copyright, but a way of using copyright to support, in
effect, the public domain.

I readily agreed, not so much because I had a plan, but because,
naive lawyer that I was, I thought we’d win the case, and Eric would
forget the dream. But nonetheless, long before the Supreme Court
decided to hear Eldred’s plea, a bunch of us had put together the
plan to build the Creative Commons.

We stole the basic idea from the Free Software Foundation — give
away free copyright licenses. Because copyright is property, the law
requires that you get permission before you “use” a copyrighted work,
unless that use is a “fair use.” The particular kind of “use” that
requires permission is any use within the reach of the exclusive
rights that copyright grants. In the physical world, these “exclusive
rights” leave lots unregulated by copyright. For example, in the real
world, if you read a book, that’s not a “fair use” of the book. It is
an unregulated use of the book, as reading does not produce a copy
(except in the brain, but don’t tell the lawyers).

But in cyberspace, there’s no way to “use” a work without
simultaneously making a “copy.” In principle, and again, subject to
fair use, any use of a work in cyberspace could be said to require
permission first. And it is that feature (or bug, depending upon your
perspective) that was the hook we used to get Creative Commons going.

The idea (again, stolen from the FSF) was to produce copyright
licenses that artists, authors, educators, and researchers could use
to announce to the world the freedoms that they want their creative
work to carry. If the default rule of copyright is “all rights
reserved,” the express meaning of a Creative Commons license is that
only “some rights [are] reserved.” For example, copyright law gives
the copyright holder the exclusive right to make “copies” of his or
her work. A Creative Commons license could, in effect, announce that
this exclusive right was given to the public.

Which freedoms the licenses offer is determined both by us (deciding
which freedoms are important to secure through CC licenses) and by
the creator who selects from the options we make available on our
website. The basic components have historically been four: (1)
Attribution (meaning the creator requires attribution as a condition
of using his or her creative work), (2) NonCommercial (meaning the
creator allows only noncommercial uses of his or her work), (3) No
Derivatives (meaning the creator asks that the work be used as is,
and not as the basis for something else), and (4) Share Alike
(meaning any derivative you make using the licensed work must also be
released under a Share Alike license).

These four options — when each is an option — produce 11 possible
licenses. But when we saw that 98% of our adopters chose the
“attribution” requirement, we decided to drop attribution as an
option. That means we now offer 6 core licenses:

(1) Attribution (use the work however you like, but give me attribution)
(2) Attribution-ShareAlike (use the work however you like, but give
me attribution, and license any derivative under a Share Alike license)
(3) Attribution-NoDerivatives (use the work as is, and give me
(4) Attribution-NonCommercial (use the work for noncommercial
purposes, and give me attribution)
(5) Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (use the work for
noncommercial purposes, as is, and with attribution)
(6) Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (use the work for
noncommercial purposes, give me attribution, and license any
derivative under a ShareAlike license)

(We also offer a couple of other specialty licenses that I’ll
describe in a later post).

These options get added to a basic template license. That template
assures that the creator (1) retains his or her copyright, (2)
affirms that any fair use, first sale, or free expression rights are
not affected by the CC license, and (3) so long as the adopter
respects the conditions the creator has imposed, the license gives
anyone in the world four freedoms: (i) to copy the work, (ii) to
distribute the work, (iii) to display or publicly perform the work,
and (iv) to make a digital public performance of the work (i.e.,
webcasting). Finally, the license also requires the adopter to (1)
get permission for any uses outside of those granted, (2) keep any
copyright notices intact, (3) link to the license, (4) not alter the
license terms, and (5) not use technology (i.e., DRM) to restrict a
licensee’s rights under the license.

The licenses give creators a simple way to mark their creativity with
the freedoms they want it to carry by default. The license is an
invitation to others to ask for permission for uses beyond those
given by default. A “Noncommercial” license does not mean the creator
would never take money for his or her creativity. It means simply,
“Ask if you want to make a commercial use. No need to ask if you want
to make just a noncommercial use.”

We launched Creative Commons in December, 2002. Within a year, we
counted over 1,000,000 link-backs to our licenses. At a year and a
half, that number was over 1,800,000. At two, the number was just
about 5,000,000. At two and a half years (last June), the number was
just over 12,000,000. And today — three months later — Yahoo!
reports over 50,000,000 link-backs to our licenses. “Link-backs” are
not really a count of how many objects are licensed under Creative
Commons licenses – a single license could cover 100,000 songs in a
music database for example, or a single blog might have multiple
instances of the license. But the growth does measure something: The
uptake of Creative Commons licenses is growing fast, and indeed, far
faster than I ever dreamed.

Vägval Vänster & Upphovsrätt

Vägval Vänster har lagt upp information om mötet nu på onsdag (imorgon).

Upphovsrättsfrågan som politik och kulturuttryck Varför är upphovsrätten så omdiskuterad? Varför är så många intresserade av begrepp som copyleft, fildelning, GNU-licenser och open source? På onsdagen den 5 oktober diskuteras en av vår tids största politiska stridsfrågor och mest tidstypiska kulturuttryck.

Upphovsrättsfrågan som politik och kulturuttryck

Varför är upphovsrätten så omdiskuterad? Varför är så många intresserade av begrepp som copyleft, fildelning, GNU-licenser och open source? På onsdagen den 5e oktober tar vi upp en av vår tids största politiska stridsfrågor och mest tidstypiska kulturuttryck.

PÃ¥ podiet finns:
– Linus Dahlander, I-sektionen, Chalmers
– Mathias Klang, Creative Commons
РKarl Palm̴s, CBiS, GU
– Henrik Sandklef, Free Software Foundation
– Inger Sundberg, Free Software Foundation
РJohan Șderberg
– Jonas Ã?berg, Informatik, GU

Plats & Tid: Viktoriagatan 13, 18h30.
