Learn Out Loud presents ten arguments against DRM. This is a good way to quickly get up to speed with the issue of digital restrictions management (DRM). The most important is that DRM changes the who controls our media and infrastructure. In the long run this control may also begin to control the way in which we think.
Anti-DRM Day in Göteborg
The 3rd of October has been announced as the â??Day Against DRMâ??. All over the world action groups are going out to protest against the uses and abuses of DRM. Naturally we will be active in Göteborg – more information below.
The point of the day is to be able to bring forward information to the general public and to show that the public concern about DRM is not limited to online virtual activity.
Anti-DRM actions in the past have taken the form of protesters, often wearing yellow (preferably haz-mat) suits protesting and handing out material.

Here is an example of an anti-DRM action which was held in Chicago on June 10, 2006
Naturally there will be an anti-DRM action in my hometown of Göteborg. So if you want the opportunity to see me in a yellow safety suit, why not join in and take a stand against DRM.
So you want to join in? or just watch the party? Well the dates and times are
3 October 08.30-10.15 Chalmersplatsen (outside Chalmers main entrance)
3 October 11.45-13.15 the corner of �. Hamngatan & �. Larmgatan (next to Kopparmärra)
If you let me know if you are interested in joining in then maybe I can organise a yellow suit for you!
For those of you who maybe follow this blog you will realise that the 3 October is the day after I defend my PhD. So this will be the day after the party…
More about DRM on Wikipedia
What is wrong with DRM?
What is wrong with DRM?
Most people tend to steer clear of three letter acronyms that they donâ??t immediately understand. DRM (Digital Rights Management) began as a vision of using technology to ensure that owners of intellectual property could maintain control over their property. In other words it would be impossible to do that which was illegal. So far so good. Making it impossible to do that which is illegal is good. Frustrating illegal behaviour is right.
The problem is that DRM can also prevent behaviour that is not illegal.
A current example is the media player â??Zuneâ?? from Microsoft.
To maintain control over the music stored in the media player Zune is designed to limit music sharing. If music is shared between friends it can only be played three times or stored for three days.
The problem occurs when the music shared is either (1) not copyrighted, (2) in the public domain, or (3) shared with permission.
Supposing you create a song. Really. Or maybe a you create a snappy little limerick. You send it wirelessly to a friend. After three days. Or your friend plays it three times â?? it is gone. This is because Zune wraps all music which is sent in this way in DRM nomatter the rights you have as a creator or listener.
Therefore Microsoft Zune limits the legitimate rights of the user in an effort to comply with or control intellectual property. This is bad.
But wait â?? it is worse!
In the book 1984, Orwell introduces a method of control through the language called Newspeak. The idea was that by limiting the meaning of words we the party in power would eventually limit the way in which the citizens think. In the book the example given was that the term free would loose all connections with freedom and only be used with the idea to be rid of something. The example in the book is that a dog will be free of lice. But the concept of freedom as liberty will be lost.
This is the most damaging part of DRM systems. By controlling what is physically possible they create amongst the users an illusion of what can be done. A technical limitation to our use becomes a law of nature. Copying becomes bad not because it is illegal but because it is impossible.
Therefore by controlling the physical reality the manufacturers of DRM are slowly changing the way in which we see what is possible and impossible. In extension this will also limit our ability to envision what could be possible.
14th European Conference on Information Systems
Tomorrow the 14th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) begins. This is the biggest annual European IS conference and this time it has the additional bonus of being in my hometown. I have been accepted to the track on â??Open Source, Open Access and the Open Information Societyâ?? with a paper entitled â??Informational Commonsâ??.

The conference tracks include: Communities and New Forms of Organizations – eBusiness – eGovernment – Enterprise Systems – Grand Challenges of System Development – Human Computer Interaction – Information and Knowledge Management – IS and Organizational Change – IT in Tourism and Travel – Living in, and Coping with, the society – Mobile Communication, Telematics and Ubiquitous Computing – New Technologies, Innovation and Infrastructure Development – Open Source, Open Access and the Open Information Society – Philosophy and Epistemology of IS Research – Strategic Management of IS and IT – The Economics of IS

The programme (including a list of all papers) can be found here.
GPLv3 Conference
On the 22nd & 23rd June its the 3rd International GPLv3 Conference which will be held in Barcelona.

The focus will be on the GPLv3 – this is from the press release
The goal of the GPL is to ensure that recipients of GPL covered software are free to examine it, to modify it, to pass on copies, and to distribute modifications. Version two of the GPL was released fifteen years ago, in 1991. The new version is being drafted to account for changes in the legal and technical environment in which software licences operate.
The main changes in version three are to minimise the harm of software patents, to prevent Digital Restrictions Management from being used against software users, and to make the licence compatible with certain classes of other Free Software licences.
Speakers will include, amongst others, Richard Stallman and Eben Moglen.
Vietnam disagrees
Recently (17/11) the Reporters without Borders (RWB) published The 15 enemies of the Internet and other countries to watch. among the top (bottom?) 15 was Vietnam of which the article wrote:
The country closely follows the Chinese method of controlling the Internet, but though more ideologically rigid, the regime does not have the money and technology China has to do this. It has Internet police who filter out â??subversiveâ?? content and spy on cybercafés. Cyber-dissidents are thrown in prison and three have been in jail for more than three years for daring to speak out online in favour of democracy.
This article was not recieved happily by the countries on the list and now the Vietnamese news agency has written an article which argues against RWB putting Vietnamn on their list. The Vietnamese article is published by the VietNam News Agency (VNA) which is the official news service of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. The “VNA is directed by the Government and is authorized to make official statements reflecting the State’s points of view on important national and international issues” (more info about VNA). The article argues against the RWB list and claims that:
The RWB made groundless and ill-intended allegations against these nations for “violating the right to freedom of speech on Internet, censoring liberal sources of news, strictly controlling Internet services.” It accused these nations of “shutting the mouth of dissidents, making troubles, repressing and even imprisoning those who expressed on the Internet opinions running counter to the Government’s policies.”
the article then goes on to describe the development of Internet services in Vietnam. Which is naturally followed by the consequences of such development.
The country’s poor management capacity and infrastructure facilities have been blamed for the Government’s inability to control inflammatory, false and libelious information and pornographic images posted by several local Internet providers. The fact has caused concern among the people. Viet Nam has also failed to introduce effective measures to prevent hostile and reactionary forces and political opportunists at home and abroad from using the Internet and on-line forums to speak ill of achievements gained by the people.
The article then moves on to meeting the actual accusations which places them on the RWB list
Like other countries, Viet Nam discourages and restricts the dissemination of information calling for subversive attempts, and puts firewalls on websites that are not suitable to the morals and fine customs of oriental people in general, and the Vietnamese people in particular.
The main motivations for censorship are the twin threats of subjecting children to pornography and terrorism. Vietnams main defence, in his article, seems to be “everyone else is doing it”:
After the Sept. 11 incident, haunted by terror threats, many Western nations have tightened control over the Internet – a move considered by some citizens to violate individual privacy. The United Nations has been calling for the establishment of a UN Internet Surveillance Agency, which will map out and implement Internet administration policies, covering the most imperative areas of the global network, namely the distribution of domain names, Internet security and crimes, spam, and the protection of individual information on the net.
Naturally the fact that other countries are behaving badly is something which the RWB is aware of even countries that did not make the list (yet) are included in the study as countries which need to be watched. Among the more interesting statements in the article is a sentence at the end “Why did RWB try to politicise a technology that has brought vigorous changes to daily life worldwide?”…Nice try – but when was technology apolitical?
WSIS, Internet Governance and Human Rights
Time: Monday, October 3, 2005, 09.00 – 17.00
Venue: Hammarskog Conference Centre, Uppsala
Registration: johan.hellstrom@kus.uu.se
More practical information Background material
Why is there no debate or no media reports in Sweden about the emerging and existing information society and Internet governance issues? Internationally, the discussion is at its peak, with the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) coming up in November in Tunis. Sweden, being one of the countries with the highest Internet access rates and with the ambition to be a leading nation on information and communication technology (ICT) usage and development, should be more involved in the international debate and also more concerned about the implications of Internet governance and Internet usage for society at large.
One reason for the absent debate is the existing intellectual divide between ICT and Internet management experts on the one hand, and democracy and human rights experts on the other. Technologists know how information technology can be managed and manipulated – but show little interest in or do not understand the implications for democracy and human rights.
More background
Keynote Speakers
Avri Doria (USA/Israel). Member of the UN Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG). Technical Consultant, Providence, Rhode Island, USA. Researcher at the School of Technoculture, Humanities and Planning, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
Astrid Dufborg (Sweden). Special ICT Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden. Convenor of the UN ICT Task Force Working Group on Enabling Environment.
Mathias Klang (Sweden). Researcher in the field of access to technology and technology rights at the Department of Informatics, University of Göteborg. Responsible for Creative Commons in Sweden. Editor of the book “Human Rights in the Digital Age” (Glasshouse Press, 2005).