Art Plagiarising Life

The Modern Museum in Stockholm is being involved in an interesting plagiarism case. The artist Markus Andersson has painted a picture containing an image of Christer Pettersson. This image seems to be based upon a photograph taken by Jonas Lemberg. The photographer has demanded that the picture be removed from its exhibition at the Modern Museum.

The Modern Museum states it will not remove the picture and also defends Markus Andersson by stating he has used his right to quote other works (citaträtten). This right to quote other works has been discussed in Sweden and when it refers to works of art it is legitimate only (1) if it is a newspaper reporting on current events, or (2) that it is carried out in a critical or academic setting. At first glance it would seem that the right to quote does not adequately help unless the artist can claim that he is conducting a critical, academic (whatever that would mean in this situation) debate.

A news article from Dagens Nyheter (in Swedish) contains both the photo and the painting.

What I find very interesting is the fact that the discussion is focused on plagiarism and not copyright violation. Legally the question is one of copyright violation. Therefore the question is one of whether copyright violation becomes the more plagiarism when it involves the higher cultural institutions?

Footnote on the image: “Christer Pettersson (April 23, 1947 – September 29, 2004) was a suspect in the assassination of Olof Palme, the Prime Minister of Sweden. He was tried and acquitted in Swedish court, although Palme’s widow insisted that he was the man she saw commit the crime.” (From Wikipedia)

Nigerian 419

Most of the time when I get another scam email from the family member of a deceased or deposed head of state, or maybe a criminally minded employee of some bank or oil company telling me they trust me implicitly and are willing to give me a large sum of money if I help them transfer an even larger amount of money from somewhere to somewhere else – I delete them without a glance. Sometimes I read them for amusement and wonder if anyone is ever fooled.

The LA Times has now reported that a Psychiatrist (you think he would have a better knowledge of human nature?) has lost (rather gave it away?) over 1.3 million US dollars to scammers.

So now I know…

(via Consumerist)

Day 10

So much for the short break. Cant keep away. Also I have been getting some early feedback from some people. The new count is + 650 words (93163). Also the reading tip of the day is Savirinuthu “Open Source, Code and Architecture: Its the Memes Stupid” International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, Volume 19, Number 3 / November 2005 pp 341 – 362.

Which unfortunately is not available for free but the library should have a copy. Another reason to support open access!

In addition to this I have news that my examination committee has been chosen. I cannot write about them but I am happy with the choice. For you gender studies people the committee will consist of 1 woman & 2 men.

This is not the Committee!

The Press

Not for the first time I have become irritated with the press. Yesterday was another example.


The picture is of a Swedish tabloid headline. It reads: 300 000 in Sweden. The sneak test that exposes if your workmate is a psychopath. 20 quick questions.
I realise that one should not dignify the tabloids with the dignity of the press. As common knowledge dictates – they are not “real” newspapers. However they do fall under the freedom of the press protections. I realise that this is a dangerous road to tread but with great freedom comes great responsibility. Should the tabliods be allowed to publish anything without fear of reprisal? Why should their position be so unthreatened if all they do is this (and worse).

Freedom of the press

First I would like to state right off – I did not (still do not) want to get involved in the satirical images of the Prophet discussion.

The BBC report that the Swedish government have closed down a far right news site which contained the images (via Suburbia).

The Swedish government has moved to shut down the website of a far-right political party’s newspaper over cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad..It is believed to be the first time a Western government has intervened to block a publication in the growing row…
Swedish Foreign Minister Laila Freivalds described Kuriren’s move as “a provocation” by “a small group of extremists.”

“I will defend freedom of the press no matter what the circumstances, but I strongly condemn the provocation by SD-Kuriren. It displays a complete lack of respect,” she said in a statement.

Again – Without wanting to get involved in the fight about the cartoons.
The politician claims to be defending the free press while closing it down. This is retoric from another age, another country another ideology. An interesting thing to add to this is a “what if” experiment. Would the government react in the same way if one of the largest daily newspapers printed the same material? Does political courage in Sweden only apply if the opponent is weak?

How’s that for a thought this weekend?

Future war

future of war

An illustration of a futuristic battle taken from the October 21st 1916 issue of the German news weekly, ‘Die Wochenschau‘ (The Weekly Review). Translation of the caption: ‘Fighting machines of the future :battle between a gigantic trenchdestroyer and a powerful electrically driven ‘circlecruiser”.

via Space and Culture

Thesis progress

I received lots of helpful comments on my thesis from my supervisor yesterday so I will begin revising today. The good news is that I will have my final seminar in the middle of March and my dissertation defence in May.

Wikipedia Germany "shut down"

This post is a copy (with minor editing) of an email I recieved from the Cyberlaw list it was posted by Robert Heverly at the University of East Anglia.

The main page of the German Wikipedia has a polite notice indicating it has essentially been shut down by court order. It turns out that the dispute is centered around a wikipedia entry about a hacker called “Tron.” The main page with the notice (in German) is here: (google translation here).The German language version of the U.S. Wikipedia is still online with the same information here. The article in question can be read in German here and in English here. There are also two short news reports here & here.

I can’t seem to figure out what the actual cause of action was, or what the actual effect of the order was (which seems to be something about not redirecting people to the German wiki using, but I’m still looking through newspapers about it; if anyone has any better insight, I’d be keen to hear it.