A barrel of blogs?

Language is rich and complex. Just take the specific names we have for groups of nouns: A flock of geese, a swarm of bees and a herd of sheep. These have become common and easily accepted but we do have collectives which are far stranger these have fascinated me since I first came across them eons ago in my first english book: First Aid in English

A shrewdness of apes
A culture  of bacteria
A battery of barracudas
A quiver of cobras
A murder of crows
A pod of dolphin
A swarm of eels
A mob of emus
A business of ferrets
A leash of greyhounds
An array of hedgehogs
A bloat of hippopotami
A parliament of owls
A school of whales

So what should a collection of blogs be called? One suggestion is a gaggle of blogs since they remind me of geese all honking but not really listening, and yet all aware of each other as a group.

What is your suggestion?