Gikii 4 programme

Registration is now closed, but here is the programme for this year’s Gikii. The good news is that I am in the first session.

17 September

09:15-09:30 Opening

09:30-10:45 First morning session (3): Doomsday

  • Christopher Lever, Fortun@e 500: A Consideration of the Contract Law Consequences of Cache Poisoning
  • Clive Feather, Resilience of the PGP “web of trust” and the disruption of criminal networks (no abstract)
  • Mathias Klang, Strangelove and Salami: An illustration of the unintended consequences of technical solutions

10:45-11:15 Coffee Break

11:15-12:30 Second Morning session (3): Digital Identities and Legal Life After Death

  • Burkhard Schafer, ZombAIs and family law: technology beyond the grave
  • Lillian Edwards, Death 2.0
  • Wiebke Abel, Shawn H.E. Harmon, Future Tech: Governance & Ethics In The Age Of Artificially Enhanced Man (Or ‘Beware The Zombais At The Gate’)

12:30-13:30 Lunch (on location)

13:30-15:15 First Afternoon session (4): Robots and Interfaces with Humans

  • F.E. Guerra-Pujol, Blade Runner, Time Scarcity and the Optimal Lifespan of Robots and Clones’
  • Miranda Mowbray and Burkhard Schafer, EAT ME
  • Dr Richard Jones, ‘CyberTags: The third generation of electronic offender-monitoring systems’

15:15-15:45 Coffee Break

15:45-17:30 Second Afternoon session (4): Copyright: Take A Bite!

  • Bernt Hugenholz, ‘A Future of Levies: The Taxification of Copyright’
  • Ot van Daalen & Iris Kieft, Towards new methods for resolving the conflict between copyright and the free flow of information
  • Nicolas Jondet, France: the land of the Linux? The case of DRM interoperability and reverse-engineering

19:30 Sponsored conference diner.

18 September

09:15 Opening

09:15-10:30 First morning session (3): New Media Harms

  • Andrea Matwyshyn, Intended Data Beneficiaries
  • Arno R. Lodder, Is it possible to control personal information that was uploaded by others without the intention to harm or infringe?
  • Caroline Wilson, Twit or Tweet? Legal Issues Associated with Twitter and other Micro-Blogging Sites”

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 Second Morning session (4): Making and Sharing

  • Maarten Brinkerink, Inge van Beekum, Incentives and Constraints for Dutch Public Broadcasters to Adopt Creative Commons Licensing
  • Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, Creative Commons licenses incompatibilities : when sharing needs to be rationalized
  • Steven Hetcher, Location, Location Still Matters: Pop Stars, User-Generated Popular Culture & The Dislocation Of Non-Location
  • Ray Corrigan, Protecting the public domain: a five point plan’

12:30-13:30 Lunch (on location)

13:30-15:15 First Afternoon session (4): The World Explained

  • Andrés Guadamuz, Luddism 2.0, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Web
  • Peter K. Yu, The Crossover Point
  • Chris Marsden, Net Neutrality as a Debate About More Than Economics

15:15-15:45 Coffee Break

15:45-17:30 Second Afternoon session (4): Fundamental rights

  • Joris van Hoboken, Search Engine Censorship: New Metaphors for the Suppression of Findability
  • Judith Rauhofer, “Get out of my head, bloodsucker!” Notions of surveillance in the vampire mind
  • Martin Jones, Sousveillance: The Emergent Digital Eye Witness
  • TJ McIntyre, Won’t somebody please think of the children!?