7 Ways To Ruin A Technological Revolution

Here is an online talk by one of the most interesting of tech-lawyers, the intellectual James Boyle talk is on YouTube and the subject is 7 Ways To Ruin A Technological Revolution. From the abstract:

If you wanted to undermine the technological revolution of the last 30 years, using the law, how would you do it? How would you undercut the virtuous cycle that results from access to an open network, force technological innovation into stagnation, diminish competition, create monopolies over the basic building blocks of knowledge? How many of those things are we doing now?

Boyle has been an impressive figure since his book Shamans, Software and Spleens: Law and the Construction of the Information Society came out in 1997 since then his writings include Papers on the Public Domain (James Boyle ed. 2003) and Bound by Law – A ‘Graphic Novel’ (a.k.a. comic book) on Fair Use.

He has also been central in the launching of Creative Commons and Duke Center for the Study of the Public Domain.

(via DigitalKoans)

Anarchist Cookbook Terrorism Material

A 17-year-old was arrested in England for “collection or possession of information useful in the preparation of an act of terrorism”. This is naturally terrible. But when you find out that the information useful in the preparation of an act of terrorism was the book The Anarchist Cookbook! This is really stupid. Not only is the information simply a collection of readily information but the book is also available online and also on the Amazon UK page. So why should this get you arrested.

Picture 17-4 The teenager faces two charges under the Terrorism Act 2000.The first charge relates to the possession of material for terrorist purposes in October last year.

The second relates to the collection or possession of information useful in the preparation of an act of terrorism.

Amazon.com’s page for The Anarchist Cookbook contains a note from the author, William Powell, who says “The book, in many respects, was a misguided product of my adolescent anger at the prospect of being drafted and sent to Vietnam to fight in a war that I did not believe in.” (via BBC & Boing Boing)

What kind of terrorist needs to a buy this silly book? It’s available via links from Wikipedia and its available for download here (among other places). If possession of this book is a violation of the Terrorism Act then would linking to the same be aiding and abetting?

Open Access Films

The Open Access movement is gaining momentum and still there are too many people who are unaware of what it is all about, its goals and effects. There are some very persuasive arguments being presented by key people but don’t worry if you have missed out on these. They are available on YouTube

Film One is a conversation with Sydney Verba, Director of Harvard University Libraries and professor of political science, and Charles Nesson, Professor of Law on the serials crises and the fact that “even Harvard” cannot afford the developments. 

Film Two is Chris McManus, a researcher at UCL, describes why research needs to be openly shared not only by other researchers but also by the general public. 

Film Three is an interview of researcher Erik Svensson the Department of Ecology, Lund University by Lund librarian Helena Stjernberg on the pros and cons of Open Access.

You might also want to look at the short ad boosting the Public Library of Science, maybe not so informative as fun! The last film is an occupational film from 1947 about the library profession, and becoming a librarian it’s kind of cute – also it shows the idea and image of the librarian of the time.


Librarians (circa 1947)

Being a natural skeptic I must admit to not being totally persuaded by the educational value of YouTube but I did enjoy these films.

Free Software, Social Innovation

As a part of the STACS-project the Free Software Foundation Europe and M6-IT are organizing an event at The Hub in London.

The idea is to invite NGO’s to a show and tell session on the way in which Free Software functions. The idea is that the organizations will see the advantage of Free Software and bring it into their organizations and influence other organizations.

From the website:

We understand that not everyone will be able to cover the costs of visiting the event and we are willing to contribute towards travel and accommodation costs. We invite you to fill out an application by the 19th of October 2007 at the latest. The selected attendees will be contacted by the 22nd of October.

The Hub is an incubator for social innovation. It’s a place for people to meet, learn and connect with each other to make things happen. The Hub in London is located on 5 Torrens Street which is conveniantly close to the tube station Angel on the Underground Northern Line.

Schedule: Friday 2nd November
09.00 Free Software as a Social Innovation
10.30 Coffee/tea break
11.00 Empowering NGOs with Free Software
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Hands-on experience with Free Software
16.00 Coffee/tea break
16.30 Hands-on continued..
18.00 Social event and dinner

The number of participants is limited and the last date to apply is on the 19th October. For more information and applications go here.

Information overload is passé

It used to be called information overload but after reading Jonny’s latest post on the Industrial IT Group blog I have been educated, updated you might even say, that the current term is actually frazzing.*

Frazzing, short for frantic multitasking, refers to a form of mental channel switching caused by all the distractions we face today: cell phones, sms, e-mails, and loads of web interactions. We should be warned, or so they tell us, about the danger of new technology and the ways in which they disrupt our working life.

Jonny, you make an interesting observation that a CEO of a tech firm, quoted as saying,

“There’s plenty of technology. There’s way too much technology, in our opinion, and certainly too much complexity in technology.”

may in fact be a closet luddite. The argument is – that if people don’t get, or cannot handle, the technology you are secretly against it. Of course the underlying argument is that the luddite’s are wrong and technology is good. You continue:

Yes, when people are trying to get more done by doing several things at once, it often means that they are able to do nothing particularly well. Technology that is supposed to make us more productive by keeping us connected may only enhance this problem. Then again, technology may be something else than a productivity tool? If people are bored at work and editing their Facebook profile all day, maybe the problem isn’t Facebook?

Despite the fact that I recently posted a diatribe on web 2.0 in general and Facebook in particular I agree with you. The problem is not the technology but rather our ability to interact and control it (do not interpret this as a slippery slope – the same argument cannot be used for Cocaine).

The technology is useful and the way in which we interact it defines the way in which we are capable of handling technology without frazzing. But I still have a question: Why aren’t you on Facebook? Your argument would have been more potent if he were there…

So Jonny, choosing to handle technology by not using it…. isn’t that a bit…. well…. you know…. Luddite?

* the problem of information overload or frazzing is old and established. In 1984 Jacob Palme wrote an article entitled: “You have 134 unread mail! Do you want to read them now?” In Computer-Based Message Services, H. T. Smith (Ed.), IFIP Proceedings, Elsevier North-Holland, New York.

Do I believe in Web 2.0 or what is the point of Facebook

A couple of days ago at the Sour Herring dinner at Lund one of my companions at the table said that he did not believe in Web 2.0. Interaction, he said, was overrated. Most of us around the table took the remark as humor and we were satisfied with this.

But the remark has been gnawing at the back of my mind. Do I believe in Web 2.0?

At first this may seem like a strange question, coming from me. I blog and participate in other blogs. I have set up and run wiki’s and used these technologies in the classroom, in research and with friends. Still the question is rather valid.

No blogs and wiki’s don’t require that you believe in them. If they are useful they will be used. I enjoy them and use them as a central part of my work (and play). But what about the more typical social networking sites?

Just to name a few I am a member at Technorati, Linkedin and Facebook. I have even upgraded my free account on flickr to pro (which means I am paying money for it). Besides flickr the usefulness of the others is unclear to me. Technorati is not much of a social networking site it is more of an aggregator for blogs – so let’s move on.

Linkedin seems to be a more formal social networking site based upon professional contacts. It is not really designed to encourage wide scale use. Facebook on the other hand it something quite different.

Facebook is a huge social networking site where people are actively encouraged to collect friends and interact with them by comparing films, music and books. The site encourages users to play games with each other such as the presently popular war of the vampires.

With all these applications I can really see that users can spend literally hours online finding and interacting with their online friends but after some testing I still am struck by the sensation or feeling: What is the point of facebook? It is surprising to see how many people are using it – in particular its appeal the the large group of non-techie or non-Web 2.0 crowd. But I still don’t really get it. What is the allure of this site? What need or desire does the site fulfill?

Or is it simply that the social interaction between friends, even in an online virtual forum, is the whole point. Oh well, I would like to analyze this further but unfortunately I need to update my profile 🙂

Teaching technologies

The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology is an ongoing study of the relationship between students and technology in particular their use and experience of information technology. The 2007 report is a continuation and expansion of earlier studies and is based on survey and interviews with 27,846 freshman, senior, and community college students at 103 higher education institutions.

It focuses on what kinds of information technologies these students use, own, and experience; their technology behaviors, preferences, and skills; how IT impacts their experiences in their courses; and their perceptions of the role of IT in the academic experience.

The findings show, among other things, that over 60% of the students interviewed believe that their technology use improves their learning abilities. But before we all rush out and invest in more technology there is a good quote from an undergraduate at the beginning of chapter 6 which should serve as a warning.

“IT is not a good substitute for good teaching. Good teachers are good with or without IT and students learn a great deal from them. Poor teachers are poor with or without IT and students learn little from them.” (p 77)

I would like to argue that the quote is in reality a bit too nice on the teachers. Good teachers gain little from using technology – they are good without it. The problem is that poor teachers actually become worse with technology since it provides them with an additional place to hide their lack of teaching skills.

Lets end this off with another cool quote which often reflects the attitude of many universities:

“I worry that in many classes that faculty have gone IT crazy, sacrificing the human element in the process.” (p 88)

Microsoft Spyware Patent

Rejås writes that Microsoft has applied for a patent for a Spyware application. Spyware is a program, system or infrastructure that monitors the activities of computer users. Most Spyware is used to build up profiles in order to create efficient direct marketing. Similar systems have been patented earlier by Claria (formerly Gator).

For more information about the ills of Spyware you can read Spyware – the ethics of covert software, an article I wrote a few years ago. There is lots of good stuff written about Spyware so this is more a place to start.

Internet Warning Signs

Cracked has a series of humorous Internet warning signs – there is a touch of seriousness in each one. My favorite is this one.


There is more than a grain of truth in this warning. With the Internet no one needs to have an unsatisfied curiosity however with this ability comes the burden of choice. Most users can see ugly things on the Internet but must then actively choose not to do so. Understanding of this responsibility is only gained through painful experience and even then it is difficult for most of us not to click on a link that we know may affect us negatively.

This freedom and individual responsibility on such a broad spectrum will change us individually and collectively but in what ways.

What happens to a person who can explore every twisted desire or experience all manner of horror – but without ever leaving the comfort and security of home? A dulling of the senses or a deepening of understanding of the role of choice in the lives of individuals?

Whatever happens we are on our way and will not be deterred from this development. All we can do is hang on and enjoy the ride.

Made my day

Professor Conor Gearty writes in “Can Human Rights Survive?” (2006):

These kinds of issues are difficult but they are what set the ethical framework for the future. Books like that edited by Mathias Klang and Andrew Murray on Human Rights in the Digital Age, should be required reading for all those interested in the future good health of our subject. It is the future battlegrounds that Human Rights supporters should be identifying and occupying, not wasting valuable time and energy re-fighting old wars. (p 146)

That just about made my day. I really should just leave my work and drink coffee, feeling good about myself for the rest of the day. Why not the whole weekend…