There are too many stupid patents to put on this blog without turning it into blog specialising in stupid patents. If you want such a blog then read Intellectual Property Humor. But still I could not resist posting this patent.
Here is the patent abstract:
Pants convertible into a hammock comprise a pair of pant legs separable by unfastening front and back fasteners extending from the waist to crotch of the pant legs, each pant leg openable to a flat formation by unfastening an inseam fastener, the opened pant legs convertible into a hammock configuration by abutting and fastening together bottom edges of the pant legs, wherein the hammock pants may be suspended from an adjacent structure by inserting a pair of rigid rods into sleeves provided at the waist portion of the pant legs in the hammock configuration, and by unfolding a plurality of straps attached to the inside surfaces of the pant legs and extending the straps from the ends of the rigid rods to anchor points on the adjacent structure.
I mean wow! What can you say about patent nr 6,698,029? If things like this dont prove patent law is totally messed up then I dont know what does.