SLSA Cyberlaw

SLS Annual Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, September 2005

If you would like to present a paper in the Cyberlaw subject section this year then please contact the section convenor ( by 6 March 2005 or as soon as possible thereafter, providing a provisional title and a brief summary.

The inaugural meeting of the Cyberlaw Subject Section will be at the SLS Annual Conference at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. The full conference runs from 2pm on Tuesday 6 September until midday on Friday 9th. The University of Strathclyde is in central Glasgow. Most attendees will be staying in hotels in Glasgow. The SLS Annual Dinner on the 7th will be held in Stirling Castle. Further details are available on the SLS website.

Papers are welcome on any aspect of cyberlaw, Internet law or law-and-computing. The group has no particular theoretical perspective of its own, and welcomes papers from any angle. If you think that your paper might be of interest to the Cyberlaw section as well as to another section, I suggest that you e-mail your proposal to both – joint sessions can certainly be arranged. (List of sections is here.)

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