Sometimes denial of service attacks have been called â??greyâ?? areas under UK law. This is no longer so since the UK has now enacted the Police and Justice Bill 2006. Honestly what a ridiculous name. Does this imply that other acts are not about justice?
The new act contains a provisions that make it an offense to impair the operation of any computer system. Other clauses prohibit preventing or hindering access to a program or data held on a computer, or impairing the operation of any program or data held on a computer.
The maximum penalty for such cybercrimes has also been increased from 5 years to 10 years.
This can be seen as a development of the previous Computer Misuse Act 1990 (CMA) which previously regulated this area but left a certain room for interpretation. But not much in my opinion. The question is now – how far does the new bill go in it’s attempts to prevent DoS attacks? Which legitimate or desirable activities will it prevent.
(via News.Com)