Draft GPLv3

Here is a copy of a mail about the GPLv3 process:

The first draft of the GPLv3 is now available at http://gplv3.fsf.org/draft

This means that a global discussion has begun. The FSF expects to receive several thousand comments on the draft. Coordinating all these comments will be a challenging task indeed. A unified single point of coordination is percieved as necessary for this.

As the FSF web site for the GPLv3 is now operational and ready to accept comments in a way that will make this process much smoother for everyone involved, we will close this list down and ask everyone with an interest in the license to sign up at:


In case you are interested in general discussions on Free Software, our mailing list discussion@fsfeurope.org will remain available for that.

Best regards,
Georg Greve
FSFE, President

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