Gratz replies Dvorak

Joe Gratz has written a very good reply to the recent article by Dvorak’s “Creative Commons Humbug”.

“John C. Dvorak recently published this column criticizing Creative Commons. Some of his criticisms are valid; others, based on a misunderstanding of the Creative Commons licenses or the role of Creative Commons as an organization; others still, based on dangerous misconceptions about the law.” – Dvorak on Creative Commons: Humbug!

Ny utkast Creative Commons

Här kommer (före deadline!) den nya licenstexten. Vi har bearbetat mycket och hoppas att ni kommer att läsa och kommentera det ni ser. Utgångspunkten i vårt arbete har varit att tänka om licensen genom att utgå från nordisk rätt.

Detta innebär att vi har kunnat ta bort ganska mycket text.

Vi kommer att fortsätta arbeta. Nu måste vi köra översättning & kommentarer. Vi emotser era kommentarer och synpunkter före 28 juni.

Licensen finns att ladda ner

CC presentation at EuroPython2005 – June 27-29

The Creative Commons (CC) project was developed to help creative people share copyrighted material. This was done by creating a licensing scheme that could be applied, understood and communicated by non-lawyers. The project was launched in 2001 and took inspiration from the GNU General Public License. The first stage was the release of a set of copyright licenses free for public use. Following this CC has developed a Web application that helps people dedicate their creative works to the public domain or retain their copyright while licensing them as free for certain uses, under certain conditions.

The success of CC has led to its spread over many different legal jurisdictions and its application in many new areas. The purpose of this talk will be to briefly explain the CC licensing system and the use of meta-data in the licensing. In addition to this the internationalisation of CC will be presented from the viewpoint of the work of CC in Sweden.