Today is for Sisyphus

Ever since a teacher long ago explained Camus’ use of the Sisyphus myth in his work The Myth of Sisyphus to attempt to reach a conclusion as to why we should all not kill ourselves I have been fascinated by the myth itself and the work by Camus which ends with the words: The struggle itself is enough to fill a man’s heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

In Greek mythology Sisyphus was a king punished by the gods to roll a huge boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll down again, and to repeat this throughout eternity. He has been the image of pointless work and Camus used him as an example in his work to defend the pointlessness of life.

The first days at work after a vacation are never the best…

Found this beautiful image at Agency of the Urban Subconscious the original wall is in Sicily

What men die of

Came across this over at Tcritic where Karl writes “I think this is an incredibly interesting graphic that would make a stellar T-Shirt. Unfortunately I have no idea of the origin, does anyone know what designer did this?” Contact him if you know the answer.

It is a great graphic representation which leaves (or creates) many questions. I wonder if the numbers are correct and what are the corresponding numbers for women? 47 men die of diving into shallow water?

what men die of

what men die of

UPDATE: The designer of the graphic is Julia Hoffman for Mens Health magazine.


Via TechnoLlama comes this wonderful image adding to the evidence that Vista is not popular. Going to the trouble of advertising a downgrade, you know your OS is in trouble.