Is bad spam really spam?

Every now and then this blog gets a shower of spam messages. Most of them are easy enough to identify as spam and it is easy to identify the purpose of the messages. Most or all of these messages have links to websites so basically the spammer is trying to affect googles ranking system. But every now and then a bunch of messages drop in that do not follow this logic. Last night 16 messages slipped through the spam filter.

All the messages come from the IP address (with variations on the last number set) all senders have hotmail email addresses which have no relation to the names they use and the content of the messages are friendly, complementary, contain no links and have nothing to do with the post they are commenting:

All the time good to see, this was apparent an excellent post. In theory I wish to write like this too. You want time to creat that informative and in addition lots of effort to create a brilliant article.

In addition to this all have given their web address as Its all very confusing. Is it just bad (as in inefficient) spam? Or have I missed something. Why bother spamming people without apparent reason?

Now the monks are doin' it!

SPAM just reached a new level. This just in from a Capuchin monk

I’m a Capuchin monk of the Holy House of Loreto in Marche in the centre of Italy.

Through the site we are committed via Internet for the new evangelization.

To this  aim,  we ask you for one of your film footage. (any format DVD, VHS, minicassette) you have already realized, so as to include in our Schedules and our Archives.

The topic could be the presentation of your institute, your busisness vocation, your missions, ….
The movie will be offered for a year (once a week) and permanently in our archive always freely available.
In support of this activity religion we ask you for your contribution of 100€.

We invite you to know the meantime visitors to our site.

in SS Hearts of Jesus and Mary
P. Giovanni Maria Leonardi