After a serious review of my library the stark realization that something must be done has finally arrived. Some of the books have been donated to causes, some have actually been thrown away (this post is entitled â??the horrorâ??).
Then to finish the list of things that can be done to books â?? here is a list of books that are being given away. Just add a comment of which books you would prefer and I will send them to you.
Alfred Basil Lubbock â?? The Log of the Cutty Sark
The Memoirs of Field Marshall Kesselring
Karateâ??s History and traditions â?? Bruce A. Haines
Kreuger: Genius & Swindler â?? Robert Shaplen
The Condition of Modernity â?? David Harvey
The Philosophy of Schopenhauer â?? Edited Irwin Edman
The Gay Science â?? Fredrich Neitzsche
The Age of Capital â?? E. J. Hobsbawm
This is a totally odd list. Looking at it now makes me wonder what kind of library I have. Actually have, Since I am getting rid of these books…