Faslane 365 is a one year continuous peaceful blockade of the Trident base at Faslane from 1st October 2006 to 30th September 2007.
The blockade is being “manned” by several different groups (look at the list here). Usually the groups organise and promise to take a certain period of the blockade.
Faslane 365 is asking a wide range of local, national and even international groups from all sections of civil society to come to Faslane with at least 100 people committed to stay and make their visions for a just and peaceful future visible for at least two days.
And guess what? There will be a group of academics blockading Faslane in the 7th January 2007. The method for blockading is a method which academics should find natural – the seminar!
Academic Trident Seminar Blockade on the 7th of Jan 2007 within the Faslane 365 Campaign in Scotland, Faslane (www.faslane365.org). In this positive and pro-active action we do not simply protest the existence of nuclear weapons but do direct action to stop them from being used by doing the professional work we do as academics; a scientific seminar. The seminar is then simultaneous a blockade of the Trident Submarine base at Faslane since the seminar will happen directly at the North Gate on the road, i.e. a blockade of base work by scientific discussion! (Academics & Scholars)
There is still time to submit a paper for the blockade (deadline 10 December): Seminar papers are supposed to be short and written by those who participate in the seminar at the gates of the base, i.e. risk arrest. The papers are our statements on why we are blockading with as usual appropriate academic references (1-5 pages, complete texts done by deadline 1st of January).