A barrel of blogs?

Language is rich and complex. Just take the specific names we have for groups of nouns: A flock of geese, a swarm of bees and a herd of sheep. These have become common and easily accepted but we do have collectives which are far stranger these have fascinated me since I first came across them eons ago in my first english book: First Aid in English

A shrewdness of apes
A culture  of bacteria
A battery of barracudas
A quiver of cobras
A murder of crows
A pod of dolphin
A swarm of eels
A mob of emus
A business of ferrets
A leash of greyhounds
An array of hedgehogs
A bloat of hippopotami
A parliament of owls
A school of whales

So what should a collection of blogs be called? One suggestion is a gaggle of blogs since they remind me of geese all honking but not really listening, and yet all aware of each other as a group.

What is your suggestion?

The death of the blog (again)

The demise of the blog is a common call but they are still around. In a recent version Paul Boutin, in an article entitled Twitter, Flickr, Facebook Make Blogs Look So 2004 in Wired Magazine writes:

Thinking about launching your own blog? Here’s some friendly advice: Don’t. And if you’ve already got one, pull the plug.

His argument is interesting but based on the premise that individual bloggers cannot effectively compete with the top blogs in the world today. Therefore since you cannot beat the top blogs in the number of visitors it’s not worth writing.

This is wrong in so many ways.

His arguments are based on the assumption that all bloggers want to compete in that manner. That they want to have the most visitors. If they do not desire this then they should not be there. This is like telling a person that he or she should not bother jogging since he or she will never win the New York marathon. There are other values involved.

In addition to this the belief that only established media will ever be the biggest fails to take into account the rise of all successful new media products from reality tv to fashion blogs – these were not predicted and still they manage to overturn the typical view of what content should be.

Swedish young women blog

Confirmation about the people behind the blogs comes via Media Culpa who is attending Internetdagarna in Stockholm. A report from the World Internet Institute shows that among 16-18 year-olds it is almost three times as common for girls to blog than it is for boys and in the 26-30 year age group it is even more than three times as common for women to blog.

This confirms the views of Media Culpa who has studied the state of Swedish blogging over time (check out the report BlogSweden 3) that shows young women dominating the Swedish blogosphere.


The why question – again

After recently reading Andrew Keen’s book the The Cult of the Amateur I found myself nodding in agreement to the fact that I would rather listen to talented person than a bunch of amateurs. Much of the book is filled with contradictions, errors and digressions but his main point is that we shouldn’t be so happy about the amateur productions occurring online since they are effectively killing of the professional market.

My main gripe against Keen is that his arguments against online amateurs can also be used against others. Crappy musicians, tv shows, movies & reporters all steal attention and market shares away from the talented few. But sure the online medium is particularly good at allowing a lot more crappy amateurs to participate.

While thinking about these things I came across Andrew Sullivan’s article Why I Blog in The Atlantic. The why question is an old one which seems to affect all bloggers at different stages. Most probably because someone around them will eventually ask the question: but why do you do it? This can at time set of a wave of introspection and a need to self justify.

Way back in 2005 I explored this myself and linked to Alex Soojung-Kim Pang site (no longer available but a excerpt here) on 4 reasons why academics should blog. In April this year Henry Jenkins wrote a piece on why academics should blog.

The blog posts represent what might be called “just-in-time scholarship,” offering thoughtful responses to contemporary developments in the field. Because they are written for a general rather than specialized readership, these short pieces prove useful for teaching undergraduate subjects. We are seeing a growing number of colleagues using blog posts or podcasts as a springboard for classroom discussions and other instructional activities. Having developed a steady readership for such content, we are also able to use our blogs to showcase innovative ideas and research from colleagues around the world.

But Sullivan is more brutal about blogging this may be because three years later the blog has come of age. Indeed media has predicted the death, rebirth, redeath, rebirth of the blog several times since they discovered them in 2006.

The blog remained a superficial medium, of course. By superficial, I mean simply that blogging rewards brevity and immediacy. No one wants to read a 9,000-word treatise online…the key to understanding a blog is to realize that it’s a broadcast, not a publication. If it stops moving, it dies. If it stops paddling, it sinks.

In addition to this need to keep moving is the results that the blog has on the writer. Sullivan again

Alone in front of a computer, at any moment, are two people: a blogger and a reader… It [writing] renders a writer and a reader not just connected but linked in a visceral, personal way. The only term that really describes this is friendship.

And that is the main point of the blog. It is a conversation. Naturally a rather one-sided conversation. In part it is the enjoyment of writing, in part the need to comment on life as it occurs but at best there are reactions to the ideas expressed within the words in a way which rarely happens anywhere else. This is why I blog.


As usual a minor annoyance triggered a landslide of changes which finally resulted in the overhaul of the look and feel of this blog. It’s amazing how simple the technology is to change and equally amazing how much time can be spent chosing and tweaking something so minor as a blog.

WordPress client for iPhone

This snappy little application means that you could blog anywhere anytime… all I need now is an iPhone… Strangely enough I still don’t feel the desire to own one…

Excellent news for bloggers came…when WordPress announced that they’re developing a client application for the iPhone.

The WordPress client for iPhone is available in the App Store and in iTunes.

Blog Readability Test

This post was edited since it contained a spam application

Here is a cute little application that measures the readability of a blog. My blog made it to post grad level. I am part of the Resistance Studies network and the blog over there is Genius level – but it is obviously the other contributors who lift the blog above postgrad level 🙂