Missed Buy Nothing Day

Yesterday was buy nothing day. All I can say is that the buy-nothing idea was not particularly noticeable at Ikea. So I must consider myself a buy-nothing failure. Here is some information about the day.

Every November, for 24 hours, we remember that no one was born to shop. If youâ??ve never taken part in Buy Nothing Day, or if youâ??ve taken part in the past but havenâ??t really committed to doing it again, consider this: 2006 will go down as the year in which mainstream dialogue about global warming finally reached its critical mass. What better way to bring the Year of Global Warming to a close than to point in the direction of real alternatives to the unbridled consumption that has created this quagmire?

Read more over at Adbusters.

Oh well, there is always next year…

Not Headhunted

Today I had a meeting with a large consultancy company. My impression going into the meeting was that we were going to talk about a cooperation. Nothing specific but I was being courted.

It turns out that this was not the case. As usual my expectations were higher than reality. They wanted me to pimp students to them. OK so this is NOT the way that he put it and it may be a nice idea for the students to meet consultants.

But what gets me annoyed is the fact that the meeting should have been arranged differently so that both parties knew what it was about. The flirting was false, their interest in me or my talents was veneer thin.

Normally I don’t care about corporate disinterest but today I had to re-arrange my schedule and make my way through the rain. If I had known they wanted my students I would not have been so interested. So yes this was a good way of getting me to the meeting. But the result is that I feel like I have been hustled – not really a great way to get me to help them.