
In 2006, EuroPython will be from the 3rd to the 5th of July at CERN, near Geneva in Switzerland.

In addition to our great conference, you have the possibility to visit CERN! Maybe you read about it in Angel & Demons (“Illuminati” in German) from Dan Brown; maybe you know that Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web there.

You will have the chance to eat in canteens with the highest probability anywhere in the world to stand in queue with a future or past Nobel Prize Winner. You can learn about the technologies that will power Web 2.5 and above at the place where Web 0.1 up to Web 1.0 were developed.

I was a speaker at EuroPython when it was here in G̦teborg in 2005. A very nice conference Рwell worth attending.

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