Free Software/Open Source: Political Science Course

The deadline for applying to the Free Software/Open Source: Political Science Course has now passed and with almost 200 students from all over the world the course promises to be an exiting example of collaborative distance learning.

Here is the blurb on the course:
The purpose of this course will be to study the effects of technology on the political process by studying how the free software/open source movements organises itself and acts to lobby and affect political decisions in favour for the fundamental messages and ideologies. The course has the intention to help the participant to achieve a greater understanding of the political goals of the free software/open source movements. In addition the course will look at the political and economic conditions for the development of open source and free software.

The course will study the development of politics, policy and law in relation to the role of software in society. Subjects which will be treated in depth are the role of free software/open source in relation to property theory, the politics of technology, community governance and the economic foundations for the assessment of free software/open source development.

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