IP & The Film Industry

The 27th G̦teborg Film Festival (27 January Р6 February) in collaboration with the School of Business, Economics and Law at G̦teborg University presents a seminar on Intellectual Property Film Industry in the Digital Age

Time: 28 January 10.00-15.30
Place: Volvosalen, School of Business, Economics and Law.

10.00 How downloading movies from the Internet affects the film industry.
Felix Oberholzer-Gee, Associate Professor in the Strategy Unit at Harvard Business School.
11.00 Does information really want to be free?
Anne Hiaring, Adjunct Professor of Intellectual Property at Golden Gate University, San Francisco.
13.00 Commentaries:
Aske Dam, media advisor
Charlotte Lilliestierna Ehrén, lawyer
Jonas Birgersson, IT-pioneer

14.00-15-30 Panel discussion.

Update There seminar is open to all and at no cost.

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