42 days

This autumn the Government wants to push through a bill allowing police to lock people up for 42 days without charge if they are suspected of a “terrorism-related offence”.

What about the old argument that “if you are innocent then you have nothing to fear”? Well thats false and you should know better. Take the example of Hicham Yezza

Hicham Yezza, an employee of the University of Nottingham, was arrested and detained without charge for saving a declassified, freely available document entitled ‘al Qaida Training Manual’ onto his computer. Hicham was sent the document by his friend Rizwaan Sabir, who he was helping with his research into terrorism for a Politics PhD. Hicham never opened the document, it sat forgotten and unread on his computer.

On May 14, Hicham and Rizwaan were arrested; it was 48 hours before Hicham was told why he was being held. He was detained without charge for 6 days.

The proposed Counter-Terrorism Bill would allow the police to lock you suspects not for 6, but for 42 days.

Support the Amnesty campaign & Encourage the Brits to sign a no to 42 days petition.