The gift makes the slave as the whip makes the dog

Like most computer people I spend most of my days reading and writing off a computer screen not producing a large product but doing my work (which in total is a large product). As a researcher I use most of my reading time to read books which are either necessary or helpful for my work. But the best imput comes from reading works written by people in other fields, written for different reasons and intended for different audiences. And yet I all too often find myself reading books filled with ideas that are either similar to others’ I have read earlier or ideas with which I will predictably agree with.

It’s not much of a comfort to say that the statement above applies to most of my colleagues.

Right now I am sitting on the train to Stockholm happily reading a book which breaks this trend “Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches: The riddles of culture” written by the anthropologist Marvin Harris. I came across this marvelous eskimo proverb:

The gift makes the slave as the whip makes the dog

So cool. There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. Reciprocity is everything.

Banging head against virtual wall

According to runners mythology there comes a time in a marathon when the runners hit “the wall” it is apparently a place when all the bodies energy simply dries up and the runner is left to finish on sheer will-power alone.

Today I hit the wall early at work. Have been working inefficiently on sheer will-power and I am now going home. This is totally useless information to most of you – like everything else on the web I suppose but I decided that I would feel much better if I moaned about this here. I didn’t work very well so I am still going home.

Just to make sure that this downer of mine does not spread to you here is a random cute puppy picture to cheer us all up.

Puppy Eyes by A? L? (CC by-nc-nd)