Have you prepared your summer reading list yet?

To the academic summers are a mix of joy and dispair. Everyone is envious of our summer holidays while most that I know are all busy clearing time for some larger project. Not many other career choices lead you to voluntarily take a laptop with you on a beach holiday. Each summer the over-optimistic academic plans to make another gargantuan effort to complete their sadly ignored pet-project, spend quality time with family, read proofs, relax, review impossible stack of papers, get a tan and find time to read a pile of books.

I am happy to announce that this year will be no different. Not having learnt anything from previous years the piles of work to be attempted are silly but I am looking forward to the reading list.

At the top of the pile lies Matthew Rimmers work Intellectual Property and Biotechnology, and working down the disorganised list: Mart Laar War in the Woods: Estonia’s struggle for survival 1944-1956, Ulrich Beck Risk Society, Mark Rose Authors and Owners: The Invention of Copyright, James Boyle The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind & Martha Woodmansee (ed) The Construction of Authorship: Textual Appropriation in Law and Literature

And this is the list in april… Well actually I am looking forward to summer.