Keeping it brief – the six word memoir

In the digital world space is not an issue. But there is a real limitation on the amount of information we want to receive. Ernest Hemingway, a man known for brief writing was once asked to write a biography in six words (a bar bet or a challenge) responding by writing the amazingly moving short story:

For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn.

That was the whole story and not the title. Six words that really hit you right where it should.

This was probably the inspiration for the book that began as a challenge by the editors of storytelling magazine SMITH in 2006 to write six word memoirs. The challenge resulted in the book: Not Quite What I was Planning: Six Word Memoirs from Writers Famous and Obscure.

By limiting space the author is forced to really think. Each word is weighed very carefully. Not really sure which six words I would use as my memoir as I still hope to add a few events in my life. But right now it might be something like: “Bits, bytes, inward outward journey onward.” Wow that was silly! But give me a break I just made it up on the spot. or maybe “Wish I was already standing there”.

What would you write in your six word memoir? I tag Martin at Aardvarchaeology, Kalle at Cyberlaw, Eva at Homespun, Andres at Technollama and Claire at Mummys Bracelet.