Planning less for 2009

In the past I have always thought of New Years resolutions as being useless and lame since people should implement change when they need it and not save it for the 31 December. But 2008 flashed past in a blur and I want to know what really happened, why do I still feel like I am stuck in a different time zone – my body is still somewhere in September. Sure I have done lots of stuff and enjoyed most of it, there is still a residual feeling of restlessness.

So this year needs a better plan than the last one (which failed). Not really sure what the plan will contain even though the year has already begun and tomorrow is the first real day back at the office. What I do know now that I am actively making plans is that 2009 will contain less projects not more. More focus on the stuff I need to do and less small projects which make other people happy, eat up my time but lead (in the end) nowhere.

So what will 2009 contain? Natually teaching, blogging, photography as usual. But I want to carry through a larger writing project, something I have been on about before but still not managed to put this time into my schedule. Once the plans are set I hope also to be better at sticking to them.

Not sure this will be better or more fun but I think I will enjoy working on it.