This is the second full day at the meeting and it is actually hard to stay sharp during the meeting. It is soon six pm and my brain is grinding to a halt. My theory is that my body is suffering from a cheese sandwich deficiency. Since arriving the food has been exciting, exotic Indian food. But the problem with artificial stimulants such as these is that they do not provide a stable base for harsh academic work. Oh, the all day meeting is among the harshest of academic work. It vaguely resembles Vogon poetry*.
So I think this trip really proves the thesis that academic work requires cheese sandwiches.
This may be a controversial statement and some radical academics may claim that the results have been effected by the new experience of Mumbai, 30C heat, lack of sleep and residual jetlag, or the fact that my rss reader does not work here (proxy problems) so I have not read blogs for a week.
The fools! What do they know?
*If you donâ??t understand the reference try this