Wanna make a rock video?

The dream of the 80’s was to make a rock video. Maybe it still is, maybe I am just old. Never mind the wandering mind of an old man. Now it’s time to dust of the camera and create a video…

CC Netherlands held a music contest and had a distinguished panel of judges select 13 tracks of 130 submissions. They want to release a DVD … so they need video. That’s where you come in. Read about the video contest on iCommons.org and creativecommons.nl.

If you can’t or don’t feel like making a video – why not just download the music to the 13 tracks that made the cut?

1: Electric Seaweed (bandsite) – So Far Away (download mp3) (Att-NC-SA)
2: Elstar (bandsite) – Monsters (download mp3) (Att-NC-ND)
3: Hazy Jane (bandsite) – A Birds Eye View (download mp3) (Att-ND)
4: JIVA (bandsite) – Right Now (download mp3) (Attr-NC-ND)
5: Marco Raaphorst ft. Lisa DeBenedictis (bandsite) – Cuckoo (download mp3) (Att-NC-SA)
6: Messier 84 (no site) – Ransack (download mp3) (Att-NC-SA)
7: Monokai (bandsite) – Mier (download mp3) (Att-NC-SA)
8: Pourquoi Me Reveiller (bandsite) – All I Want (download mp3) (Att-NC-SA)
9: Quallofill (bandsite) – Her Private Playground (download mp3) (Att-NC)
10: Sickboys and Lowmen (bandsite) – Sunny Days (download mp3) (Att-NC-ND)
11: Solaire (bandsite) – I am not sad (download mp3) (Att-NC-ND)
12: The Longing (nog geen site) – Forbidden Love (download mp3) (Att-ND)
13: We Vs Death (bandsite) – Thomas Corner And The Valleyhouses.mp3 (download mp3) (Att-NC-SA)

The abreviation at the end of each line is the license terms – click for more detailed information.

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