Spying on Cars

The question of integrity in relation to our cars is becoming more interesting all the time. With the implementation of different schemes against inner-city car congestion have turned to innovative applications of technology. However this is not the only way in which our cars are effecting our integrity. This is not an exhaustive list…

When people think of cameras they tend to understand them as the clunky old verions connected to grainy black-and -white monitors. Nothing could be further from the truth. Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) systems. These systems use cameras to capture registration numbers and automatically check these against various databases containing details of vehicles of local and national interest e.g. driven by persons wanted for questioning, seen in suspicious circumstances etc.

Black Box
The black box is a device which records the performance of the car and driver. The idea is that the data stored in the device can be used in an accident to better understand what happened. The recorders track speed, engine revolutions per minute, braking and seat belt usage. In addition to this, if there is an accident the car can record force of impact and air bag deployment.

The global positioning system is used to track the users position via satelite. Originally an expensive system it has become readily available and is becoming used in many different ways. It is used by paranoid parents to keep track of their kids, by adults playing advanced versions of hide and seek (geochaching) and the driving navigation support found in cars. An interesting twist can be seen in the innovative use that the insurance company Norwitch Union has implemented. This is what they write about their “Pay As You Drive” system:

Using the latest GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) technology we are able to calculate monthly insurance premiums based on how often, when and where you drive. Which means that your premiums are based on your own driving habits and not everyone else’s.

This means that the insurance company will be able to know where the car goes and at what times. This information can be used in many ways. The insurance company’s idea is to offer cheaper insurance to those who drive less and during daylight hours. The system could also include different prices if you drive in unsafe areas.

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