Extreme Blogging

Chrisrine Hurt & Tung Yin have written a paper intriguingly entitled â??Blogging While Untenured and Other Extreme Sportsâ?? for the Bloggership: How Blogs are Transforming Legal Scholarship Symposium at the Berkman Center. April 28, Agenda here. The papers are available via SSRN.

The extreme sport sort of blogging is something which this site keeps coming back to – last visited here.

Hurt & Yin Write in their conclusion:

â?¦we believe that the benefits of pretenured blogging outweigh the costs in our individual situationsâ?¦ Unfortunately, this analysis must be done with an unflinching look at oneâ??s own ability to self-monitor, self-discipline, and manage oneâ??s own time.

Considering the venue it is unsurprising that the authors come out on the side of the blogs but it is precisely this that concerns me. Are they preaching to the choir? The position of untenured (and to a lesser degree those with tenure) academics can be both enhanced and threatened by the blog so a degree of self-criticism and caution may be a good thing.

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